I recall someone mentioning that one of the things they enjoyed during treatment was all the extra time they spent with their spouse. This is something that had not…
My proposal for a paper presentation at the Health Humanities Consortium Conference in Houston in March was accepted. When I was first accepted I was really excited about it.…
I've been thinking in metaphors lately - perhaps because I'm reading some autoethnographies that seem to describe experiences using metaphors. As I read through and tag / analyze blog…
I'm finding it a little weird that lately I've been having memories - almost flashbacks but not as vivid - of the time around my diagnosis. We aren't at…
There is a theory that at some point after active treatment you have an appointment to review a survivorship plan. That is, what do you need to know and…
In my literature review for my research I came across a great article (Keating & Rains, 2015) on the social support health (illness) bloggers receive. The article does a…