I am glad to have learned that the PBS mini-series Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (based on the book - The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of…
At one support group meeting, someone mentioned that one thing they mourned was the 'loss of innocence' - more, it is the loss of the expectation that you will…
I've talked previously on the double-edge sword that can be a support group meeting. Support groups give you a space to share your thoughts and frustrations. They can be…
When I told one of my colleagues at the University of Ottawa that I was moving to Silicon Valley in California, she comment that she thought it was "Silicone…
Today's ride was rather significant for me. For the first time since treatment, I made the ride up Mount Hamilton from the Fire Station. The last time I did…
At a support group the other night, some of the folks mentioned that they found things got easier as time progressed. That is, it was really hard during that…
I've been having sleeping trouble since about September. Taxol chemo seem to be the first thing that impacted my sleep. Then it was surgery. With the combination, I also…
Yesterday I watched Grey's Anatomy (spoiler alert!) - I'm one that loves my medical dramas! On it there was a patient with an incurable brain tumor who also happened…