Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor
In my post from Tuesday, I mentioned that the radiation oncologist had ordered a head CT. This is to check to ensure there is no cancer in my brain – which is one of the places breast cancer likes to metastasize to. I’m amused that I can write that so nonchalantly without any emotion. I…
Yesterday, I summarized the key points from our trip to Halifax to see the radiation oncologist. There were many different things discussed in that consultation and in my blog post that require further explanation. The first topic I want to address is lymphedema. Since I already have lymphedema on my right side, the oncologist informed…
Went up to Halifax today to have a consult with the radiation oncologist. I was expecting to be told that they recommended wide spectrum prophylactic radiation for four to six weeks – which would be a more typical treatment regime for someone on original diagnosis who had a lumpectomy and positive lymph nodes. That isn’t…
For me, it looks like the year will be ending with a whimper. I feel like this last dose of TC was stronger than previous doses. It is certainly hitting me harder. I think I got lucky the last two cycles and came to expect it to not be too bad. What is making this…
First, an update. After experiencing stress dreams, I left a message for my oncologist to inquire about the next steps and mentioned that I had not yet heard about a radiation oncology appointment. The following day, I had an appointment with the local General Practitioner Oncologist (GPO), which they referred to as a toxicity appointment,…
I used to use writing as a way to help process my emotions. I’m finding that I’m writing more about the mechanics of what I’m going through but not tapping into the emotions. I started writing a story about my recurrence, and how I feel so different than I did when I went through my…
Finished the worst of cycle three. The nausea was under much better control, that I didn’t feel nearly as bad. I did find that I tired easily and I slept for 13-hours on Sunday night. I also had a weird side effect that started on Monday and is just now resolving. I realized on Monday…
Just when I thought I was in the clear, I got hit by a wall. I didn’t start the day tired – or at least I don’t remember starting the day tired. I put together a new ikea shelving unit and it exhausted me. I found that I had to stop and rest. I was…
Mostly I’ve had good energy and been doing a lot of stuff but also taking two hour naps. Monday I got up at 6:15 for a swim. I had a great swim – 750m – then came home and slept for 2 hours. I was also able to do 20 minutes of boxing and some…
I don’t use an alarm unless I have an important meeting. Mostly I let my body decide when I should be up – and a normal time is somewhere around 7:30am. Friday (day 10), I woke up late – around 9:30. Although I slept in, I still had lots of energy and got a lot…