BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Author: Becky

  • 32 – 40 of 75: Cherry Hill & Blomidon

    32 – 40 of 75: Cherry Hill & Blomidon

    If you haven’t figured it out by now, my go to beach walking spot is Cherry Hill Beach.

    32 – June 27, 33 – June 29, 34 – Cherry Hill Beach

    35 – July 5 – Mowing the lawn!

    36 – July 7 – Indian Garden Farms – This is a ‘local’ farm that has created a hiking trail around the periphery of the farm. It is the closed place for a quick hike. In this case, it turned into a 5km hike because we got lost a couple of times and ended up circumnavigating a couple of the fields!

    37 – July 10, 38 – July 11 – Cherry Hill Beach

    39 – July 12, 40 – July 13 – Blomidon Provincial Park

    Some fun pictures from the walks.

  • 28 – 31 of 75: Five Islands Provincial Park

    28 – 31 of 75: Five Islands Provincial Park

    28 was another mowing of the lawn. My GPS says I walked over 5km in the process of mowing. It certainly felt like a work out!

    29 – 30 were hikes to (and on) the beach at 5 Islands Provincial Park which is located on Minas Basin as part of the Bay of Fundy. This means some spectacular tides.

    We has a lovely view from our campsite, although it was a drizzly kind of day.

    When we first arrived, I walked from our campsite down to the beach (1km each way) and then around the campground we were camped in. It was drizzly when I left, and outright raining by the time I got back to the van, so Cali and I got very wet. We had a brief explore of what exists of the beach at high tide when we were down there.

    Then, the next morning, we went for a walk during low tide. I took a few photos which I think look interesting when you compare them!

    One of the islands at high and low tide
    Beach at high and low tide. That is the same island in the distance. When the tides are really low, you can walk to the island.
    View of the cliffs during low tide. We were warned that the part of the beach that Scott is standing on is under water at high tide, so we needed to be back before the tide rolled in too far!

    31 – After a lunch break, we went out on a second hike for the day – this one was a trail along the upper edge of the cliffs. It provided some great views. We didn’t quite get a clear view of the final cliff because the trail was getting questionable so we decided it was prudent that we turn around!

    The next day the weather cleared and the sun came out – showing us just how beautiful the view was from our campsite.

    After camping at Five Islands, we headed over to Joggins Fossil Cliffs before heading over to visit family in Fredericton.

    Although the beach wasn’t that far away, it was a very different beach. Rather than the Minas Basin, this is the Bay of Fundy on the Nova Scotia side looking towards New Brunswick. The fossil cliffs create a beach full of rocks of varying types and sizes. I felt like some of the rocks were full of stories. We noticed that there was a line of “black” rocks that aligned with the high tide lines. When we picked them up, they were really light. I thought at the time that they felt like coal, and it appears the area is also known for coal mining.

  • 25 – 27: Cherry Hill and the Cemetery

    25 – 27: Cherry Hill and the Cemetery

    25: Cherry Hill Beach on Saturday with a friend from Ottawa who was visiting. The tides were a little high, so we ended up climbing over rocks to get to the end of the beach.

    26: Cherry Hill Beach on Sunday with my regular walking friend. This time the tides were a little more favourable, which meant we could walk the full length of the beach without having to walk on the rocks. Interestly, my tracker measured a full 1/2 km less on this walk. With the lower water we had a shorter distance to walk!

    Cherry Hill Beach – Saturday and Sunday – what a difference tides make!

    27: The Cemetery. I’d hear there were a lot of nice paths for walking around the cemetery in Bridgewater. When we drove by the other day, after our Cherry Hill walk, we noticed how amazing the rhododendrons looked. That got us thinking that we should try a walk around the cemetery. Since the weather was threatening – we managed to get out for an hour, explore the cemetery, and get home before the sky released a wall of rain. We even saw some turtles in the pond.

    Three turtles vying for space on a log.
  • 24 of 75 – Green Bay

    24 of 75 – Green Bay

    There is hiking trail between Green Bay and Broad Cove. On the map it is called Bear Trap Road.

    Because it was low tide, we walked for 2 km almost all on the beach. On the way bay we followed the path – which involved walking in long grass (a favourite place for ticks). We did find a several of the bigger ticks on us when we got to the van, a couple of which were embedded. Fortunately, we have a tick removal kit in the van and we were able to remove the embedded ones. The others just brush off. We also brushed Cali to try to remove any that she may have picked up.

    The hike itself is quite beautiful but it was a very difficult beach to walk on – the sand and rocks were mostly soft, so there was a lot of extra effort involved in walking.

  • 20 – 23 of 75 – Beaches and Developments

    20 – 23 of 75 – Beaches and Developments

    20: A walk at Beach Meadows Beach on Tuesday May 31.

    21: Mowing the lawn. I’m not sure if this is a cheat or not, but I did put on my tracker while I was pushing the lawn more back and forth and clocked more than 3km while mowing! Friday June 3

    22: Rissers Beach. We are camping so this was a lovely after dinner walk in the fog at low tide. I was worried that it would be too busy, but it being a school night while the kids are still in school meant that the part is not too busy. We managed a walk on the beach with only running into one other group of people – it might have been because it was foggy!

    23: Rissers Beach and Atlantic Breezes. We found a new trail that started out from the group campsite at Rissers. It was well established so we followed it thinking that it might bring out back to the campsite. It didn’t. After climbing some stairs we discovered the trail was part of a 1.9km system of well maintained trails that are part of the development – Atlantic Breezes.

    At the end of the hike we decided to check out the canteen at the park. It turned out to be a food truck with fresh fish and chips. Initially they couldn’t do gluten free, but then she realized she could pan fry me a piece of fish. I couldn’t eat the fries as the oil was cross contaminated, but they also had some plain lays potato chips – so I fish and chips, just a different kind of chips! The fish was very fresh and amazing.

    We snuck in an additional walk at low tide during sunset. It was stunning. The pictures don’t really capture the waves and how they seem to glow in the fading light.

  • 19 of 75 – A little library

    19 of 75 – A little library

    For today’s walk I explored a different part of town. After walking up to the top of the Town Pond trail, I ventured into town and walk by a little library. I took that opportunity to choose a book that I will hopefully read when we go camping next week.

    A Little Library

  • 18 of 75 – A barefoot beach walk

    18 of 75 – A barefoot beach walk

    It being a Sunday and a beautiful and warm day (approximately 25 deg C), we decided to check out Cherry Hill Beach again. This time, the tides were right, which meant that we had over 1.5 km of beach to walk along. The place was busier than I’ve ever seen it – and yet there was still enough space between people and dogs that I could let Cali chase the ball the entire walk.

    With the warm weather we decided to walk barefoot on the beach. I can confirm that the water is still VERY cold!

    A 'busy' day at Cherry Hill Beach

    A ‘busy’ day at Cherry Hill Beach

    Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

    Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

    Cali resting next to a seaweek rock

    Cali resting next to a seaweek rock

  • 15-17 Nice day for a hike

    15-17 Nice day for a hike

    This week began with some grand plans. The goal was to hike in three different places, but also to increase the distance I’ve been hiking.

    15 – Tuesday saw the first hike – the Pink route at Indian Path Common. This 4.6 km hike means that I’ve now done all the paths at Indian Path Common. Cali seems happy on this trail, as we didn’t see another person until we arrived back at the parking lot. This meant that she could follow me without the need of a leash.

    16 – On Wednesday we headed out to Blue Rocks Common. The landscape here is so different – no tall trees except the occasional apple tree and evergreen. Mostly it is rock and shrubs. It is a great place to find partridge berries and cranberries in the fall.

    It also seems to be the best place for me to take portraits of Cali, as she seems to enjoy posing while sitting or standing on the rocky surfaces.

    There are a few places where you can catch the spectacular view.

    At one point Cali was fixated on an area and rolling in it – which means she found something that smells like animal. With a little inspection, it appears what she found was a bone from a deer leg. It was pretty cleaned out, so didn’t smell. She was so proud of herself. I picked it up and new that I couldn’t throw it away, as she would just run after it. So, I brought it with me. I figured she could enjoy chewing it (note, after a couple of days, I can confirm that it didn’t make her sick).

    After our wondering walk, we headed home – unfortunately that didn’t go too well. First we missed a turn, and took that opportunity to explore more of Lunenburg. We ended up in the residential area above the waterfront. We were surprised to see a lot of different churches – something like 6 or 7 of them!

    We found our way back to one of the ‘highways’ and headed home. Unfortunately, we made contact with another vehicle at a four way stop on the way home. We are all OK, but the car wasn’t driveable. I tried to move the car out of the middle of the intersection, but the car just said that something was wrong and it wouldn’t shift into drive. Someone asked about putting it into neutral and pushing it, but an electric car doesn’t have a neutral. So, that car sat in the middle of the intersection until the tow company came to pick it up.

    The people were all super friendly – even the guy whose car I hit. I am amazed at just how politely and friendly everyone was given the situation. If your going to be in an accident, this is a good place to do it!

    The lack of car and some post accident muscle soreness meant that our plans for hiking Gaff Point on Thursday had to be cancelled. Friday morning we picked up a rental car, so hiking can happen again next week. The weekend is rather rainy, so a good time to get caught up on my sitting at the computer work!

    A note on Blue Rocks – it is a pretty hike but full of ticks. Since Cali did a lot of rolling around, she picked up more than we could count. Fortunately the medication she takes kills the ticks when they bite her. I also found a couple on my legs, that fortunately had not attached. They were the bigger dog ticks, so not that ones that carry lyme. It is a reminder that it is that time of year! They are not nearly as bad as last year, but this is one location where they were plentiful.

    17 – Today’s walk was in town. It has been a rainy day – but warm and muggy – 20 degree C and drizzle. When the rain stopped and the sun looked like it might sneak out, I took a walk around the pond. My body was feeling better than it has in a long time, so I added onto that walk to include a walk through the park on the LaHave River near our place.

  • 11-14 Various walks

    11-14 Various walks

    I’m getting behind on blogging my walks. The first three here were done with my Aunt who was here to visit with us. It was lovely getting chance to walk with her again – we did the Avon Walk together back in 2015.

    None of these walks are to new places. They are all repeats of walks done in the first part of the month.

    May 17 – Beach Meadows

    May 18 – Cherry Hill / Rissers

    May 19 – Indian Path Common – Blue path.

    May 23 – The Duck Pond and around

    Tomorrow I hope to get out to Indian Path Common again to do the pink path. I’ve done the yellow, and the blue twice, so once I do the pink trail I will have completed the trails there.

    Beach Meadows
    Beach Meadows – it was windier than usual and the tide was higher than when we normally go.
    Beach Meadows – in addition to the fog, the waves were roaring in.
    Cherry Hill – if you look closely, you can see a surfer in the water. The tide was too high such that there wasn’t much beach to walk on.
    Rissers Beach – the fun rocks on the beach at Rissers.
  • 10 of 75 – Beach Meadows

    10 of 75 – Beach Meadows

    After our cool walk yesterday at Cherry Hill beach, and with the tides not being ideal, we headed back to Beach Meadows. Although it is a shorter beach than Cherry Hill, it is wider – so even when the tides are in-between low and high there is still a lot of beach. With the weather being warmer, and it being Friday afternoon there were definitely more people at the beach – but still plenty of beach for Cali to run after the ball without having to worry about interactions with other people.
