BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Category: Cali

  • 51 – 53 of 75: Getting lost and Thomas Raddall Provincial Park

    51 – 53 of 75: Getting lost and Thomas Raddall Provincial Park

    I’m not sure how long this challenge is going to take me, but life and world sure seem to be slowing me down.

    51 was a hike a Indian Garden Farms. This is different than Indian Path Common. Indian Garden Farms is a new trail that at times is poorly marked. My hiking buddy and I keep getting lost – which often involves unnecessarily walking around farmers fields and going in circles. You can clearly see the farmer’s field in our route!

    52 and 53 were walks / hikes at Thomas Raddall Provincial Park. The park has some of the nicest private sites of any of the campgrounds. It also has an amazing campers beach. The beach doesn’t look like much at first, but as you walk over to the rocks you nice another crescent beach, and then another. Like most South Shore beaches, they aren’t much at high tide, but they are spectacular at low tide. I can also report that the ocean has warmed up considerably. I enjoyed a lovely ocean swim – I believe this was my first ocean swim since moving to Nova Scotia, as we usually opt to swim in the various freshwater lakes. I can see us going to Thomas Raddall again. It is just over an hours drive from home.

    Of course when I was swimming Cali wanted to come visit me. The water was super shallow, so I wasn’t swimming so much as walking on my hands. It was too deep for Cali to walk so she swam out to me and then climbed on my back! I became Becky the island!

    In the afternoon, while the tide was high, we went out for a hike. We tried to follow a trail, but it wasn’t particularly well maintained. We ended up missing the turn off and out to the beach again. This time, the water was up to the rocks, so we had to scramble over rocks to get back to the main beach. Getting lost seems to be a bit of a theme.

  • 18 of 75 – A barefoot beach walk

    18 of 75 – A barefoot beach walk

    It being a Sunday and a beautiful and warm day (approximately 25 deg C), we decided to check out Cherry Hill Beach again. This time, the tides were right, which meant that we had over 1.5 km of beach to walk along. The place was busier than I’ve ever seen it – and yet there was still enough space between people and dogs that I could let Cali chase the ball the entire walk.

    With the warm weather we decided to walk barefoot on the beach. I can confirm that the water is still VERY cold!

    A 'busy' day at Cherry Hill Beach

    A ‘busy’ day at Cherry Hill Beach

    Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

    Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

    Cali resting next to a seaweek rock

    Cali resting next to a seaweek rock

  • 15-17 Nice day for a hike

    15-17 Nice day for a hike

    This week began with some grand plans. The goal was to hike in three different places, but also to increase the distance I’ve been hiking.

    15 – Tuesday saw the first hike – the Pink route at Indian Path Common. This 4.6 km hike means that I’ve now done all the paths at Indian Path Common. Cali seems happy on this trail, as we didn’t see another person until we arrived back at the parking lot. This meant that she could follow me without the need of a leash.

    16 – On Wednesday we headed out to Blue Rocks Common. The landscape here is so different – no tall trees except the occasional apple tree and evergreen. Mostly it is rock and shrubs. It is a great place to find partridge berries and cranberries in the fall.

    It also seems to be the best place for me to take portraits of Cali, as she seems to enjoy posing while sitting or standing on the rocky surfaces.

    There are a few places where you can catch the spectacular view.

    At one point Cali was fixated on an area and rolling in it – which means she found something that smells like animal. With a little inspection, it appears what she found was a bone from a deer leg. It was pretty cleaned out, so didn’t smell. She was so proud of herself. I picked it up and new that I couldn’t throw it away, as she would just run after it. So, I brought it with me. I figured she could enjoy chewing it (note, after a couple of days, I can confirm that it didn’t make her sick).

    After our wondering walk, we headed home – unfortunately that didn’t go too well. First we missed a turn, and took that opportunity to explore more of Lunenburg. We ended up in the residential area above the waterfront. We were surprised to see a lot of different churches – something like 6 or 7 of them!

    We found our way back to one of the ‘highways’ and headed home. Unfortunately, we made contact with another vehicle at a four way stop on the way home. We are all OK, but the car wasn’t driveable. I tried to move the car out of the middle of the intersection, but the car just said that something was wrong and it wouldn’t shift into drive. Someone asked about putting it into neutral and pushing it, but an electric car doesn’t have a neutral. So, that car sat in the middle of the intersection until the tow company came to pick it up.

    The people were all super friendly – even the guy whose car I hit. I am amazed at just how politely and friendly everyone was given the situation. If your going to be in an accident, this is a good place to do it!

    The lack of car and some post accident muscle soreness meant that our plans for hiking Gaff Point on Thursday had to be cancelled. Friday morning we picked up a rental car, so hiking can happen again next week. The weekend is rather rainy, so a good time to get caught up on my sitting at the computer work!

    A note on Blue Rocks – it is a pretty hike but full of ticks. Since Cali did a lot of rolling around, she picked up more than we could count. Fortunately the medication she takes kills the ticks when they bite her. I also found a couple on my legs, that fortunately had not attached. They were the bigger dog ticks, so not that ones that carry lyme. It is a reminder that it is that time of year! They are not nearly as bad as last year, but this is one location where they were plentiful.

    17 – Today’s walk was in town. It has been a rainy day – but warm and muggy – 20 degree C and drizzle. When the rain stopped and the sun looked like it might sneak out, I took a walk around the pond. My body was feeling better than it has in a long time, so I added onto that walk to include a walk through the park on the LaHave River near our place.

  • 11-14 Various walks

    11-14 Various walks

    I’m getting behind on blogging my walks. The first three here were done with my Aunt who was here to visit with us. It was lovely getting chance to walk with her again – we did the Avon Walk together back in 2015.

    None of these walks are to new places. They are all repeats of walks done in the first part of the month.

    May 17 – Beach Meadows

    May 18 – Cherry Hill / Rissers

    May 19 – Indian Path Common – Blue path.

    May 23 – The Duck Pond and around

    Tomorrow I hope to get out to Indian Path Common again to do the pink path. I’ve done the yellow, and the blue twice, so once I do the pink trail I will have completed the trails there.

    Beach Meadows
    Beach Meadows – it was windier than usual and the tide was higher than when we normally go.
    Beach Meadows – in addition to the fog, the waves were roaring in.
    Cherry Hill – if you look closely, you can see a surfer in the water. The tide was too high such that there wasn’t much beach to walk on.
    Rissers Beach – the fun rocks on the beach at Rissers.
  • 10 of 75 – Beach Meadows

    10 of 75 – Beach Meadows

    After our cool walk yesterday at Cherry Hill beach, and with the tides not being ideal, we headed back to Beach Meadows. Although it is a shorter beach than Cherry Hill, it is wider – so even when the tides are in-between low and high there is still a lot of beach. With the weather being warmer, and it being Friday afternoon there were definitely more people at the beach – but still plenty of beach for Cali to run after the ball without having to worry about interactions with other people.

  • 9 of 75 – Cherry Hill Beach

    9 of 75 – Cherry Hill Beach

    Cherry Hill is perhaps one of my favorite places to walk Cali. I get a good walk on the beach, and Cali gets to run after the ball. We are both in heaven.

    Cherry Hill is a bit of a weird beach. It isn’t a bit at high tide. And, as we discovered again today, if the wind is going the wrong direction, then it isn’t much of a beach at low tide either. Today it was really windy. There were several surfers out enjoying the waves. The shorter beach meant that we had to do two “laps” of the beach in order to get to 3km.

    It was also hot in town today – as much as 29 degrees! It was our first really warm day. The beach, on the other hand, was 14 degrees. I almost didn’t bring enough clothing. The weather guy on the news said that the wind would be from a direction that the coast would be warm – that clearly wasn’t the case at Cherry Hill, where we had a pretty strong on-shore wind – which interestly, a little inland was no wind at all. The microclimates around here an be rather fascinating.

    If you look closely, you can see a surfer in the far distance (straight up from Cali’s tail).
  • 6 of 75 – Adventure Trail

    6 of 75 – Adventure Trail

    We branched out yesterday and went for a walk along the Adventure Trail – which is a rail trail between Bridgewater and Mahone Bay. There are so any rail trails in this province! Anyways, this was a nice walk but not one worth repeating. A couple times while walking we were passed by a series of ATVs and Dirt Bikes. The particular portion of the trail we were on is definitely well used for motorized traffic. There are enough other rail trail segments that are prettier and have less traffic that there is no need to try this one again.

  • 5 of 75 – Rissers Beach

    5 of 75 – Rissers Beach

    Rissers Beach used to be one of my default places to walk. It is one of the closests beaches. However, it isn’t the best for dog walking – or more to the point – it isn’t the best place for me to allow Cali off leash to run after the ball.

    As I walked through the park today, I explored both the campground and the beach. I was reminded of just how pretty Rissers it. It makes me understand why it is such a popular beach in the summer. When the Provincial Park is open, it is almost impossible to get a campsite. It is definitely a favourite for people who like to go to one place and stay there for a couple of weeks – which is, in part, why it is hard to get a campsite there. We did manage a mid-week site in June. We are looking forward to seeing what it is like when people are camping there.

    For now, I will enjoy the park during the off season, when there are no tourists and mostly the people hanging out at the beach or walking their dogs are local.

    Walking Trail from the campsite to the beach
    The trail right above the beach. It reminds me of a trail by the beach in California, except this one doesn’t have a cliff between you and the beach.
  • 4 of 75 – Crescent Beach – and some boxing

    4 of 75 – Crescent Beach – and some boxing

    Boxing? Yes boxing.

    One of the recreation activities hosted by the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is called multisport. It has typically been for kids. It exposes them to a bunch of a different sports – something different each week. I thought it was cool, so when a friend mentioned that they were doing a female multisport for adults I figured I would try it out. On Wednesday night I went to the first session – boxing.

    I never imagined myself trying out boxing. I never imagined that I’d love it. I had a great time. I dislike the “fight” aspect of the sport, but all the other parts of the sport are fun. It was a great workout, both physically and mentally, and the people were a lot of fun. There was lots of laughter as well as lots of punching and moving around.

    Today, I got out to the beach again – this time for a 4km walk. We went to Crescent Beach – a not-so-original name for a beach, as there are several different Crescent Beaches in Nova Scotia. This particular one is the closest beach for dog walking. With the day starting out rainy and cold, I had not thought I would make it out for a beach walk – but when I finished my marking at 4pm, and the sun came out, and the low tide wasn’t until 6pm, I figured why not. I’m so glad I did – it was a gorgeous evening walk with the sun shining and almost no breeze.

    Sue and I walked 4pm. Cali ran about 7-8km. I think she will sleep well tonight 🙂

  • 3 of 75 – Woodland Gardens

    3 of 75 – Woodland Gardens

    I didn’t have enough time between meetings today to get in the car and go someplace. Instead I decided to take my usual walk around the “Duck Pond” (officially called Town Pond) and turn that in an official walk. In order for it to count, it had to be at least 3 km, and the normal “long” walk is 2km, so I did an extra lap of the pond.

    The pond brings a lot of entertainment at different times of year. There are, of course, the ducks – which I have trained Cali to ignore – ironically by giving her a duck treat if she ignores them. Then there are the turtles that enjoy basking in the sun, the shy mergansers that visit in the spring and fall, and the muskrats that swim and play in the pond.
