Today I started with the aromatise inhibitor (AIs). It is the next step in hormone therapy. I’ve been doing ovarian suppression since October. I delayed the start of AIs in order to ensure that I was only introducing one new drug to my system at a time. I don’t like to change too many things at once, as it makes it difficult to see which drug is having which effect. And so, when I realized that I’d have a two week window of stability on my other meds, I figured this is a great time to start.
I warned my husband that I might get bitchy. It is one of the potential side effects. I’ve talk to some women who have had no side effects – so I’m crossing my fingers. There is some hope that since my body has had a little time to adjust to the ovarian suppression, that adding the AI will not be too much of a hit. My body so wants to have estrogen, but alas, so does the breast cancer. So today additional wellness pill is Anastrozole. I am writing today mostly so that I have a log of exactly when I started.
10 years is a long time to be on a medication … so 9 years and 364 days and counting (maybe I’ll add a count down clock to my blog) …
[wpc_countdown targetdate="2026-01-12"]
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