Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor
As a blogger, I often get asked ‘should I blog?’ I can testify as to why I blog and the benefits that blogging provides for me, but I also don’t think that blogging is for everyone. Blogging is work. Even with inspiration a single blog post can take 1-2 hours to write. If you aren’t…
A friend is doing a sermon on selfie’s and exploring the role of selfies under various contexts. Scott and I took selfie’s throughout out Going East journey (before everyone had Smartphones and it became trendy). We did it because it was a fun way to say “we were here” without leaving an impact on the…
I hear others say things like ‘why me?’ and I’m somewhat surprised that I have yet to have that feeling. Perhaps it is a bit of denial, but also I wonder if it is related to my outlook on life. I’m not a theist (I don’t believe in a god). I see the world as some…
Our day began with a sail around San Francisco Bay on the 2003 America’s Cup boat USA 76 (it was the 76 boat of its type built). It was particularly cool sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip out and are strongly considering their annual pass, which would allow us to…
First off, I must start this with a couple of pictures from my beautiful ride up Mount Hamilton this afternoon. It took me 2 hours to climb the 7 miles (not quite 11km) of all up hill. Throughout the climb I found myself stopping in shaded corners to both catch my breath and cry. When…
Our day began by driving up to Stanford early so that we could avoid too much rush hour stress. We decided to check out breakfast at the cancer center. We shan’t be bothering with that plan again, as all the options involved eggs which I cannot eat that often. Oh Well. The coffee was…