Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor
On the weekend, I got back on the bike – specially, hubby and I went out for a ride on our mountain bikes. This is the first time I’ve ridden it since I broke my rib riding over Christmas. It wasn’t just about being physically able to ride, it was also being emotionally in a…
I’m in a time of remembering and a time of waiting. Waiting for the text or call that will tell me that another of my friends has passed from this earth. She is a mother of two young children, which makes the sadness that much more intense. As I wait, expecting the next text to…
I didn’t know what a swollen lymph node felt like. When I went through treatment, I didn’t have any known lymph involvement. I hadn’t really even heard of the lymphatic system before cancer. Now I am always aware of it. First, it was lymphedema in my left arm – which caused my hand an arm…
You would think that by now I would remember the answer to the question, and yet, I keep asking. This time I was prompted to ask because a research paper crossed my stream talking about a potential genomic subgroup of ER/PR+ (hormone positive) breast cancer that might be useful in predicting the likelihood of late…
I remember during my childhood there was this participACTION campaign about trying to get people off the couch and exercising more. I can hear the sounds of music associated with the commercials, and remember the “breaks” they had. I’m now coming back from a broken rib followed by a bout of bronchitis. I had that…
I have been feeling a heaviness lately that I could not quite place. I had originally put it on my lupron shot – the heaviness associated with ongoing cancer treatments – but that wasn’t it. The visit to the cancer center always reminds me of Lori. I spent a fair amount of time bringing her…
I haven’t been blogging that much lately. Mostly my writing energy has been taken up by my dissertation. I finished the first draft of all my analysis chapters yesterday. Now I go back to the beginning and fill in any gaps that I left. It is an exciting feeling knowing that I’m finally making progress…
My hubby came across this recipe the other day at: Low Carb with Jennifer. I tried it the other day and was pretty impressed. It does taste a little eggy, but that works out OK for what I was looking for. It was especially good when dipped into chicken soup as it absorbed the soup…
In this week’s newsletter, Nancy highlights an older post where she asks What’s wrong with a survivorship badge anyways? I have been reflecting a lot lately on survivorship – but also where I’m going to go next with my life. This is never an easy task – this contemplation. I am a survivor and get…
I am surprised by how tired I am. Then I remember myself, my body is healing. It is working overtime to try to compensate for the broken rib. Also, pain is tiring. You add those two things together and I find myself sleeping longer and wanting afternoon naps. I am struck by the oddness associated…