I haven’t written for a while. I’ve been so busy with other life things. Normal life things. I am so grateful to be in a place where i can just take a deep breath.
Dates are starting to come back to me. It is that time of year. Facebook reminds me with a beautiful sunset in Hawaii. I can feel the warm air and smell the sea and feel the breeze on my face.

This whole Covid thing has me missing my friends.
We are settling in well in Bridgewater. We haven’t really met anyone outside of the circle of Treehouse friends that we had before moving here – it is just that they are here now in person which is awesome. But, in order to really feel part of this town we need to make friends beyond our Treehouse neighbours and that is difficult in this pandemic time, when social gatherings are not a good idea. We are exceptionally lucky to be in a place where we feel relatively safe – but we also know how quickly that could change. We are seeing signs that may very well lead to another lock down.
And so, today I’m going to focus on gratitude and showing gratitude for my friends and neighbours.
Hugs to you all…
Oh ya, and I have to finish with a plug for Treehouse Village … my new neighbours who have been amazingly welcoming.
Want to move to Nova Scotia?

Treehouse Village Ecohousing is made up of a small group of families and individuals with a big idea, and we need your help connecting with future neighbours. You’ve received this message because someone thought you might be a good fit for Treehouse Village or might know others who would be interested.
Together, we are building the first cohousing community in Atlantic Canada! Treehouse Village will be a small neighbourhood with 30 eco-friendly, fully equipped homes facing onto a pedestrian courtyard with a common house for all to share, including amenities such as a children’s playroom, office space, and an additional large kitchen and dining area for community meals. Situated on 15 acres of forested land, with opportunity for car sharing and collaborative childcare, it’s a perfect blend of privacy and social opportunities.
As of November 2020, the project is well underway here in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Fifteen of the 30 households are committed. Collectively, we own a property, completed the design of our custom neighbourhood, and have a Development Agreement with the Town. The aim is to begin construction this spring and to move into our homes in early 2022. In order to break ground, we need nine (9) more households to join and reserve their homes.
All this to say, who do you know that is seeking a sustainable lifestyle, ready to try something new, values privacy and a sense of belonging, or might be looking to raise their family in a supportive community? There are many ways to reach prospective neighbours, but by far the most fruitful is good old word of mouth.
Wondering if this might be for you? We want to hear from you! See our plans, meet our members, and sign up for an online information session at www.treehousevillage.ca or send us an email at info@treehousevillage.ca.
From the members of Treehouse Village, thank you for helping us build our community!