I’m not sure how long this challenge is going to take me, but life and world sure seem to be slowing me down.
51 was a hike a Indian Garden Farms. This is different than Indian Path Common. Indian Garden Farms is a new trail that at times is poorly marked. My hiking buddy and I keep getting lost – which often involves unnecessarily walking around farmers fields and going in circles. You can clearly see the farmer’s field in our route!

52 and 53 were walks / hikes at Thomas Raddall Provincial Park. The park has some of the nicest private sites of any of the campgrounds. It also has an amazing campers beach. The beach doesn’t look like much at first, but as you walk over to the rocks you nice another crescent beach, and then another. Like most South Shore beaches, they aren’t much at high tide, but they are spectacular at low tide. I can also report that the ocean has warmed up considerably. I enjoyed a lovely ocean swim – I believe this was my first ocean swim since moving to Nova Scotia, as we usually opt to swim in the various freshwater lakes. I can see us going to Thomas Raddall again. It is just over an hours drive from home.
Of course when I was swimming Cali wanted to come visit me. The water was super shallow, so I wasn’t swimming so much as walking on my hands. It was too deep for Cali to walk so she swam out to me and then climbed on my back! I became Becky the island!
In the afternoon, while the tide was high, we went out for a hike. We tried to follow a trail, but it wasn’t particularly well maintained. We ended up missing the turn off and out to the beach again. This time, the water was up to the rocks, so we had to scramble over rocks to get back to the main beach. Getting lost seems to be a bit of a theme.
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