BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

4 of 75 – Crescent Beach – and some boxing

Boxing? Yes boxing.

One of the recreation activities hosted by the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is called multisport. It has typically been for kids. It exposes them to a bunch of a different sports – something different each week. I thought it was cool, so when a friend mentioned that they were doing a female multisport for adults I figured I would try it out. On Wednesday night I went to the first session – boxing.

I never imagined myself trying out boxing. I never imagined that I’d love it. I had a great time. I dislike the “fight” aspect of the sport, but all the other parts of the sport are fun. It was a great workout, both physically and mentally, and the people were a lot of fun. There was lots of laughter as well as lots of punching and moving around.

Today, I got out to the beach again – this time for a 4km walk. We went to Crescent Beach – a not-so-original name for a beach, as there are several different Crescent Beaches in Nova Scotia. This particular one is the closest beach for dog walking. With the day starting out rainy and cold, I had not thought I would make it out for a beach walk – but when I finished my marking at 4pm, and the sun came out, and the low tide wasn’t until 6pm, I figured why not. I’m so glad I did – it was a gorgeous evening walk with the sun shining and almost no breeze.

Sue and I walked 4pm. Cali ran about 7-8km. I think she will sleep well tonight 🙂


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