BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

I can see – mostly

One of the challenges I’m having now is figuring out who in my family to tell things to. I didn’t blog about this sooner because I didn’t know who I was telling. I didn’t really tell anyone until the day before (Tuesday). Wednesday during the day was nervewracking – but I also had a lot of work that I needed to do, as I was anticipating not being on my computer for several days.

Recently, I decided to do a procedure on my left eye that would make it similar to my right eye. Ever since my cataract surgery back in early 2014, I have not been happy with my eyesight. My cancer diagnosis slowed down any correction to the problem – because the focus of all medical things became cancer treatment. I got a few prescriptions and learned to live with my eyesight. I wasn’t happy with it, and often felt that I wished I had opted for the more traditional cataract surgery rather than the “monovision” that I was supposed to have – especially because the monovision didn’t turn out right.

Yesterday, I did it. I decided only a couple weeks ago that I was going to do it, and then found that there was an opening yesterday. I knew I was going to do it, and I didn’t want to wait. I wanted it to be healed before I go to a conference in mid-October and definitely before winter vacations.

The procedure I had was the newer variant of PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). I had the same procedure back in 2006 and swore I’d never do it again. The recovery from it was hell – however, I really enjoyed having better than 20/20 vision. This time, the doctor told me that recovery was a lot better – and so far, he is correct – it is so much better than it was. They actually don’t prescribe opioids for the procedure anymore. Last time, I was drugged up for several days and had a severe sensitivity to light.

It is just the first day after surgery and already the doctor tells me that my eyesight in my left eye means that I am cleared to drive. I was able to buy some inexpensive -1.50 glasses from Amazon (surprised me, but there must be a market for those post cataract while waiting for the eyes to settle). It can take up to six months for the eye to settle into its final prescription, so there is no point in purchasing expensive glasses. The inexpensive ones are good enough – and will allow me to drive both during night and day (I bought sunglasses for daytime and clear ones for night). They might look a little goofy – I don’t know, they haven’t arrived yet, but they will do until I know for certain what my final prescription will be.

It will be a lot easier to get glasses now, as my prescription in both eyes will be close. I’ll still need glasses for distance if I want things to be clear (like driving unfamiliar places and sight seeing). I’ll also need reading glasses for close up – but again, with both eyes being the same I can buy cheep over the counter glasses. No need for anything special. And already I can see my computer without glasses – which is amazing. My left eye is still cloudy and fuzzy – but the difference from before and now is amazing. I cannot believe how much harder my brain had to work when I was doing things without my glasses on. I’m also noticing that I’m seeing better in low light – it used to be that twilight was the worst time, because my brain could not figure out what to do with my eyes.

And so, I’m happy to report that so far so good. If you see me online, I probably won’t be wearing glasses, and if you see me at other times, I might have a dorky pair on.

Feature image: Credit my husband – yes that is my eye!


One response to “I can see – mostly”

  1. Debbie

    I’m glad to hear you made a decision and got the procedure done. While I was lookng at the photo, I thought the person in the light blue scrubs was excessively sweating. Then i figured out it is Scott’s shadow.

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