BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Empathy Cards

These new empathy cards by Emily McDowell have crossed my social media stream several times in the last few days –http://emilymcdowell.com/collections/cards/Empathy-Cards.

I think they are the most awesome cards to send to someone who is experiencing cancer, so I thought I’d share the link here. As a cancer survivor, she really does a great job of giving people in our lives some tools to say things when they really don’t know what or how to say them … take a look, it’s OK to giggle, but I also encourage you to really think about why these cards resonate so much with people going through cancer treatment.


One response to “Empathy Cards”

  1. Kevin

    Emily McDowell was interviewed about these on CBC radio earlier this week. I found the context she provided for them valuable. Here’s the link for anyone interested: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/schedule-for-tuesday-may-19-2015-1.3078672/how-to-avoid-saying-the-wrong-thing-to-a-very-sick-friend-1.3078693

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