BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

What’s stopping me?

Since being diagnosed with cancer, one of the questions I find I ask myself is “what’s stopping me?” More specifically, “what’s stopping me from doing what I want to do?”

I now find myself questioning the answers. Am I not doing it because I physically cannot? unfortunately, this too often is the answer … but I hope to be recovering soon) … but sometimes I find myself answering with “because someday I might … ” … these are the ones that need further reflection …

And so, I’m now going to to question the “what’s stopping me” answers … and if they don’t make sense, then I’m going to start doing the things I want to do … because all too often, what is stopping me from doing what I want to do is me … and that isn’t a good enough reason to not do it!


2 responses to “What’s stopping me?”

  1. Meike

    This is what happens…a life changing event and our perspective changes. It’s the blessing that comes out of the darkness. I’m happy for you. This change in perspective is such a gift.

  2. Diana


    I had a similar “a-ha” moment two years ago when diagnosed. I was more at risk of bc because of being overweight. When did I start worrying or taking care of my husband and children and stopped taking care of me? I was once a healthy athlete, good eater/nutrition, lots of exercise and fresh air. Over almost 20 years of parenting, I had put my health on the back burner.. I had become a bleacher creature. I was the only one who could say “Yes” to me. My name needed also to be on the list and I did not always need to be last. I also don’t always need to be first There were some good lessons for me to learn. I had gotten lazy and spent more time behind the computer than on my bicycle or outdoors. I am finding balance and moderation in my recovery/survivorship. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I am finding them to be very beneficial to me. I just received a full body massage from a women’s cancer support group. It was amazing. The last time that happened I was pregnant 10 years ago. I wish I had treated myself to more self-care. I am committed to taking care of myself daily now. Thanks for the reminder.

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