BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Calling all Cancer Bloggers … #bcsm #bccww

I am looking for cancer bloggers who are willing to act as mentors to those who wish to start blogging about their cancer journey. I will be creating and facilitating a free online course that runs monthly (starting March 2015) to help those who have been diagnosed with cancer to decide if they wish to blog, and to help them get started if they decide that blogging is something they wish to do. I’d like to have a team of cancer blogging mentors to help newbies get started with blogging.

The initial group of ‘cancer blog mentors’ will act as a sounding board in the design of the course. In addition, if anyone wishes to provide a snippet of content for the course, I will welcome that as well.

In March, I will ask that cancer blog mentors write one blog post per week that addresses that week’s content (e.g. why you blog, how you decide what to share and not to share on your blog, where do you find inspiration for blog posts, and general advice for new bloggers).

To provide support for cancer blog mentors, I’ve created a Facebook group – Cancer Blog Mentors. The purpose of this group is to provide a communication channel for anyone that has volunteered to be a mentor. It is a place for mentors to ask each other questions, as well as a way for me to ask questions of the mentor community.

If you wish to volunteer as a cancer blog mentor, please email me (rhogue@pobox.com) or tweet me (@rjhogue). Also please request to join the Facebook Group “cancer blog mentors“.


2 responses to “Calling all Cancer Bloggers … #bcsm #bccww”

    1. Becky

      You might be interested in this discussion happening on Thursday … there might be space for one more person (not sure yet) if you want to join in … or you can watch at http://virtuallyconnecting.org/announcements/making-the-private-public-why-we-chose-to-blog-a-vcept-discussion/

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