BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Chemo Tourist

Today I was a chemo tourist. The infusion center I normally go to was full, so they booked me at the new Stanford infusion center in Redwood City. Boy is it swanky. Everything is so shiny and new. It totally does not feel at all the same as the Stanford Cancer Centre ITA.
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I thought I had taken a picture looking out from the chair, but it appears I didn’t. The ITA is setup with two infusion chairs in each “family area”. There is a table with games and magazine. Instead of individual TVs there is one large TV.  There were lots of chairs for family members to sit, and each infusion chair had its own table (for laptops or lunch or whatever). You certainly don’t see as many sick people at the Redwood City ITA – in part because the treatment areas are much smaller and more segregated (separated into two people per treatment area). It is a very different feeling. It certainly felt more upscale than the regular ITA.

If I had a bunch more chemo to go, I’d certain try to get more of them scheduled at the Redwood City ITA (they ran on time!). With only one left, I’m doing my last chemo at the regular ITA because it is my time to say thank-you to all the nurses there. Interestedly, the nurse I had today was one I had a couple weeks ago at the other ITA (she was there on loan for the day). So it was nice to see a familiar face in the new surroundings.

To brighten my mood the chemo nurse mentioned that my dosage had been reduced – actually she mentioned it, not knowing how much it would brighten my mood. I’m hoping that the lower dose will mean a reduction in the side effects (crossing fingers). It really does make the whole idea of two more weeks of this (one more chemo, but it takes a week to recover) more bearable.  It most definitely cheered me up. Maybe I’ll not feel so bad this coming week 🙂




2 responses to “Chemo Tourist”

  1. Meike

    Becky, perhaps you’ve mentioned it in earlier posts, but I am curious what you bring with you when you go in for your treatments? I noticed the clown doll…he must carry some significance. My mom made me a half size quilt that I spent a lot of time under during my recovery. It was like a constant hug from her. Sending you big hugs my friend.

  2. What I bring has changed quite a bit. With AC chemo I mostly brought food (with AC chemo it was food that I liked but knew I wouldn’t be able to eat again anytime soon – because of the AC nausea), a blanket made by the ladies at my mother-in-law’s church, and my teddy bear. When people sent me things, I often would bring them along with me. A friend made me the clown, and I like to bring it because it makes all the nurses and other patients around me smile. A water bottle was vital, so that I could make sure I was drinking enough.
    When we moved into weekly chemo, I lightened up my load quite a bit. I found the blanket was cumbersome, and they have pre-warmed blankets there already. Lunch was the most important thing I brought – as the food at the cafeteria isn’t very good. I like to have some small bags of carrot sticks to chomp on, and some mentos for when they first access my port, as I can taste the saline and heparin. I started to bring my laptop (rather than just my iPad), as I could do work during Taxol chemo. So, Scott and I would share a table with each of us typing away on our laptops.
    Thanks for asking the question. I’m going to create a “tips for chemo” page, so I’ll mention it.

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