BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

On my way back

After the abyss that is day 3 and day 4 after chemo, I feel that I am coming back to life. It is a rather dramatic transition really. Swimming on day three I struggled to swim 7 laps (280m). Today, I thought I’d push myself to make at least 10 laps, but then something clicked – the fatigue let go – and I swam 20 laps (800m).

So the real me is coming back to life. I’m still rather limited in what I can do. Blisters on my hands are re-emerging, and I have blisters on my feet that may limit walking – we’ll see how my feet feel in my new running shoes. Biking is out for a couple more days, as it contributes to the blisters – so swimming is my main exercise until that gets cut off, which by then I hope to be back on the bike and walking again.

One more cycle of AC – there is light at the end of this tunnel.


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