So I’m officially 1/2 way through the AC chemo. The AC is supposed to be the harder part – the T chemo, which is done weekly is a much lower dose. With the AC chemo, I take a cocktail of pre-chemo meds to counteract the side-effects – mostly to fight off the nausea. In theory, when I switch to T chemo I won’t need any pre-meds or anything to fight nausea. Here is hoping.
Did not have my expert photographer (Scott) with me when I visited my tree for the requisite selfie – so the shots aren’t as well composed, but fun none-the-less. I really noticed that the tree smelled like eucalyptus, so I wonder if it is pollen season?
Scott was by my side during at least part of the chemo treatment and took this excellent artistic shot. I was next to the window in treatment today (my preferred location), so I can look out at the tops of a few trees. I like the natural light and having a sense of how the day is passing by.
So far, so good.
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