BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

The challenge of time and holding a thought

Right now I’m finding that my biggest challenge is time. Things are moving so very quickly, and I’m trying to manage many different appointments, phone calls, blog posts, an other notifications and minute (not sure I’ve spelled that right, just say it with a French accent).

Most of yesterday was spent dealing with my eyes. As some of you know, I had cataract surgery in January in my left eye and April in my right eye. I also had a YAG capsolectomy (sounds complicated but it isn’t) in my left eye. I had scheduled it for my right eye, but that is now postponed. It isn’t a big deal but may eventually affect my ability to drive at night. Currently things are OK. The eyes didn’t come in quite right after cataract surgery, so I was looking into PRK to make minor adjustments. That now is on hold – so I had to go to an optometrist yesterday to get some prescriptions for glasses and contact so that I can function over the next year. After that it was a trip to Costco to find new glasses, order them, and order contacts.

With that taken care of, my number one priority pre-surgery is biking. That is, back when I thought I might have cancer (after my family doc appointment) the one thing I decided was that I would train so that I was in the best physical shape possible before surgery/chemo. I want to make sure I’m going into this as strong as possible. For me this means allocated 2-3 hour a day (or more) for biking.

My second priority is to have some fun. Years ago, I read the book “From chocolate to morphine: Everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs” (I highly recommend it). It talked about finding things that cause your natural high – like when you were a kid and you would spin around really fast to cause a bit of a high. Anyways, one of the things that causes that natural high for me is sailing. So, we are looking at ways were we could go sailing more often. It can be very physically demanding, which can be a challenge. This Saturday, we are headed up to SF to go sailing on the 2003 America’s Cup boat. If we enjoy it, and if there are less strenuous ways to participate, we may consider buying a season crew membership, which would allow us to go sailing anytime they have a public sail – which is most weekends. So, we could spend every Saturday or Sunday going out for a sail (for as long as my body allows). Here is hoping that we enjoy it!

An now, my timing is running out yet again … need to hop in the shower, change, and run to the Apple Store before picking up Scott and heading to the oncologist appointment.


3 responses to “The challenge of time and holding a thought”

  1. Hey Rebecca, will follow up on that book – sounds wonderful and glad you could find it useful now.

    Re spelling, were you trying to say “minutae” as in small tasks? I don’t know how it’s pronounced, always assumed it was “minusha”!

  2. Jeff

    Enjoy the sailing. I miss doing it (my back doesn’t allow me to pull lines)

    1. Becky

      Thanks Jeff. I’m kinda hoping I can skip out on the line pulling and stick to steering and being rail meat … there seems to be some flexibility in the level of participation … we’ll see how it goes!

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