BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Sailing and support groups

Our day began with a sail around San Francisco Bay on the 2003 America’s Cup boat USA 76 (it was the 76 boat of its type built). It was particularly cool sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip out and are strongly considering their annual pass, which would allow us to go sailing on any of their public sails for a year. I was mindful throughout the sail as to whether or not I’d be physically able to participate. I did ask about people with limited accessibility. They said as long as they can get on the boat, usually they can sit on the life raft (its just a box) at the back, so it isn’t too difficult to enjoy the sale. Even while racing the crew often sit on the deck (floor) to help make the boat more aerodynamic. So, there is no shame in sitting on the floor. So, with that in mind, we shall probably sign up. It will be something to look forward to between chemo treatments. It looks like they sail every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. They also race on Friday nights, but I think that might be a little too intense for me right now.

After our sail, Scott encouraged me to go check out a newly diagnosed or in treatment breast cancer support group. I was rather nervous about the whole thing. I haven’t really told anybody in person (other than my mothers) that I have cancer. It isn’t exactly an easy thing to say. The support group made it easier to talk about – it gave me a safe space to say it out loud – but also a place to talk about it where they understood the cancer language. Too bad there isn’t a PhD Student Breast Cancer support group so that people understood my academic speak! I also met a couple of really nice people. Since we know so few people in California, it seems odd to me, but the cancer support groups are likely where we will develop new friendships. I was encouraged to come back to both that group and the young adult group. I think I shall give it a try. We are also hoping that they restart the couples group – as ‘Scott and Becky’ could use a support group too, not just Becky.


2 responses to “Sailing and support groups”

  1. Judy

    Beck!!! I am so happy to see you sailing…and in such an incredible venue…the bridge, the boat, the great big sea. Again, I say, how inscrutable it is that you are precisely there at precisely this time. The universe does work in inexplicable but often interesting ways. Why is it that we don’t get a Life Manual when we come in??? Love you.

  2. […] within the first few weeks. For example, I thought it took us a few weeks before I went to my first support group meeting – this actually happened June 22. It seems that things that I thought took months, actually […]

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