“It’s just a stitch” – http://bcbecky.com/2015/02/sigh-and-some-tears-of-relief/
That is officially my new saying. When I was first diagnosed, we could often be heard saying “It is what it is” – I reflected philosophically about it in this post: http://bcbecky.com/2014/06/why-me-versus-it-is-what-it-is/.
Now, I have banned the expression “It is what it is” … unless you are telling me I have cancer again, I just don’t want to hear that phrase. Every time I hear it, I recall the second appointment with my oncologist as he outlined my treatment options. I can hear him saying “it is what it is”.
So now, when I’m starting a downward spiral of over-reaction, I shall use the phrase “It’s just a stitch” to remind myself that I’m over reacting. That it isn’t an “it is what it is” situation … it is simply “just a stitch”.
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