BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Tag: #glutenfree

  • Kind of like Halloween for an adult with celiac disease

    Kind of like Halloween for an adult with celiac disease

    Yesterday I went to the Nourish Festival. It had been a few years since I last went to a gluten-free expo. I did find this one to be a little smaller than the previous one, but that might have been because the first one I went to everything was so new to me, where this one I was familiar with a bunch of the brands.

    When I got home, I found myself going three three “loot” bags of samples that I had collected at the festival. I felt like a kid a Halloween, sorting through my samples of different gluten free granolas, snacks, pastas and such.

    What I like about the festival was that I go to try samples of a bunch of different things. I was sad that Against the Grain Gourmet wasn’t there – they make my favourite pizza and I love the cookbook. Unfortunately, their booth was empty 🙁

    My biggest “find” was a decent ramen – Yamachan Ramen, Ramen Z! I had been hankering for ramen for the last month or so, but gluten free ramen is difficult to find – like filo pastry – I have yet to find a gluten free filo, so if you find one, please let me know – anyhow, I did find a great ramen so bought a few of them. I notice that it is made from soy milk and konnyaku – so I won’t be eating them too frequently, however, for the occasional meal they are darn good gluten free ramen.

    Do you have any gluten free favourites?

  • Gluten Free Orange tea-cake recipe (Vitamix version)

    Gluten Free Orange tea-cake recipe (Vitamix version)

    I’ve been asked for this recipe, so I thought I’d share it here. It is based off the recipe in Nancy Cain’s Against the Grain cookbook, with a few modifications.


    • 2 oranges (I use organic navel oranges).;
    • 1 cup powdered sugar
    • 1/4 cup coconut oil
    • 6 large eggs
    • 1/2 cup (56g) of coconut flour
    • 1 teaspoon of baking powder


    1. Preheat over to 350 degrees F.
    2. Scrub clean the outside of the oranges.
    3. Grate the rind of the oranges directly into the blender.
    4. Peel the oranges and then slice them into one inch chunks, ensuring there are no seeds, and put directly in blender.
    5. Add to blender powdered sugar, coconut oil (make liquid, so you might need to heat it first), eggs, and coconut flour.
    6. Mix until well bended (usually less than a minute in the Vitamix, might be longer in less powerful blender).
    7. Wait 5 minutes (this allows the coconut flour to absorb liquid and it a critical step).
    8. Add baking powder to mix and blend again until mixed (about 10-20 seconds).
    9. Poor into baking cups. I use silicon muffin tins, but last time I found they stuck a little so next time I’ll use liners.
    10. Bake for 25-35 minutes – this will depend on how big your tins are. When done they should spring when pressed and a toothpick should come out clean.
    11. Let cool for at least 10 minutes before removing from pan (if you didn’t use liners).
    12. Refrigerate.

    These are best served cold, straight from the fridge. They are OK warm, but the intense orange flavour comes out much better when refrigerated.

    At some point I’m going to experiment with Meyer lemons.

  • Hidden sources of gluten

    On Tuesday we had our official meeting with the dietician about celiac disease. The meeting itself wasn’t particularly insightful – but we went into it well informed to begin with. I didn’t really know what to expect. The dietician was friendly and she did ask us some questions and told us a few things. In the end, we left with a three page handout with the most important information. In addition, now that we’ve met, I can email her with questions at any time.

    Looks at this experience as an educator, and reflect, I see that she did some things really well. Instead of giving us an handout with an overwhelming amount of information, she cut it down to a concise three page handout with the most important information. The information included some general guidelines for gluten free eating, a short list of what to eat, what to avoid, and hidden sources of gluten, some quick meal ideas, and three good websites for more information: Celiac Disease Foundation, Celiac Support Association, and Gluten Intolerance Group. I was aware of the first, but not the other two.

    I keep thinking that I should be getting more information. I keep thinking that this should be a bigger deal. But in reality, it is pretty simple. I have an auto immune disease that is completely treatable by maintaining a gluten free diet. The challenge is figuring out all the hidden sources of gluten.

    Last night I started going through my medications. I called my pharmacy to have them add “gluten” as an allergy. I was impressed when the Express Scripts pharmacist says that now that it is listed they will check all generics before sending them to me. For all the meds I already have, he gave me the phone numbers for the companies. This morning I started making calls. Sadly, the melatonin I use from Costco is not considered gluten free. Fortunately, I’ve found the CVS brand melatonin is. The meds I’ve checked so far are OK, but I have a few more companies to call. Hopefully by the end of Friday I will have checked all my meds.

    Ironically, Tuesday just before the going to see the dietician I got glutened (in the celiac community, the verb ‘to be glutened’ means to have accidentally ingested some form of gluten). I asked my husband to grab a smoothly for me at the office. He grabbed one for each of us and allowed me to choose. I looked at the ingredients – one had ‘wheat grass’ so opted to not have that one. Neither were labelled gluten free. I thought that I had chosen the safe one. It had fewer ingredients and none that looked suspicious to me. I learned from the dietician that one of the ‘hidden’ sources of gluten is in “artificial flavor” and “natural flavor”. Upon returning to the car we learned that “natural flavor” was an ingredient. I can confirm (based upon my bodies reaction) that indeed the smoothy was NOT gluten free. Live and learn.

    On the list of hidden sources of gluten that surprised me:

    • brewers yeast
    • triticale
    • malt

    I noticed the little gem about “artificial flavor” and “natural flavor” are not on the list from the dietician. She also promised a list of bad ingredient in medications and supplements – which I don’t have appear to have. Good that I can just send her a message on the my Health (secure email) system.

    In addition, the dietician mentioned that “starch” when listed as an ingredient is suspect unless you know the source of the starch or the food item is listed as gluten-free. So, potato starch or corn starch are OK, but starch or vegetable starch is not. I’m also in the process of going through any powders that I consume – such as electrolyte drink. I’m going to have to change from my previous favorite to the Vega brand, which is labeled as gluten free.

    NaBloPoMo November 2015
