Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor
When I’m out walking my dog, I find myself reflecting. I do this several times during the day. I reflect on how I’m feeling. I ask myself, am I happy? and lately the answer has been yes. I’m happy, I’m content. What is interesting is this the type of reflection that some of my getting…
Don’t have much else to say about it … Seven years and counting
I wrote this a few years ago, shortly after being diagnosed with celiac. With the Christmas coming, I figured it was a good time to repost it. Your friends or family invite you over for a holiday meal. They want to feed you. They mean well. However, as someone with celiac disease, this can be…
I wrote this post right after returning from Commonweal‘s week long Cancer Help Program. That program was transformative for me. It allowed me to do some grieving and healing. For some reason this specific post has been on my mind these last few days. I remembered the gist of it, but not any of the…
I’m not working over the summer, although I am thinking about my fall and spring courses. I have things that I want to do, but I can never find the time to get to them. Just like writing in this blog. I’ve been thinking about writing for weeks, but just haven’t been able to get…
I was asked the other day about when I first learned about residential schools. At the time, I didn’t recall exactly when, but I’m pretty sure it was at a conference I went to while I was in grade 11 or 12. That would be the late 80s. Back in the 80s there was a…
I’m struggling right now. I couldn’t completely figure out why – but looking at the calendar reminds me. Part of my struggle is that with Cali recovering from her surgery, we cannot go out to the beach for a walk run. I’m missing that reflective time and the various laughs as she does something dorky.…
Under Construction, that is what the cone on poor Cali’s head said when we picked her up from the vet yesterday. We are hugely relieved to have her home and know that she is on the mend. On Monday I awoke to Scott informing me that Cali had been puking all morning. At first I…
Today is vaccination day. I get my first Covid vaccine – Pfizer. I’ve ask my oncologist about getting the vaccine in my arm. He says because it is IM (intramuscular) that the lack of a lymph node should not be an issue. Since I’ve had nodes out on both sides, I don’t have a ‘good’…
Today I decided to try out a new beach – Cherry Hill Beach. What keeps me entertained on these beach walks is playing fetch with Cali. For the most part she gets it, but every now and then she gets distracted and lets the ball roll away. Unfortunately, at the beach this means the ball…