This morning I found myself struggling to get moving - then it occurred to me, I'm feeling fatigued. I haven't felt this type of fatigue since AC chemo. I'm…
When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I discovered that many people in cancer treatment participate in clinical trials. I wanted my experience to be meaningful, so wanted…
Yesterday I attended my first breast cancer conference - hosted by Bay Area Cancer Connections. They had several really good speakers. I tweeted the sessions I attended (Storify embedded…
Recently, I noticed a transition in my face-to-face support group - in that I've transition from the newbie going through treatment to the experienced breast cancer patient who can…
I'm learning a little to be an American within the healthcare system. Today, I asked for a supervisor. You see, I had an appointment. The online system showed my…
As pink'tober comes to an end, I am reflecting on what pink means to me as someone fighting breast cancer. It is complicated. I am not against pink, nor…
Today I was reminded why I love my infra-red sauna. We almost didn't move it to California, because finding the space for it in our small apartment is a…
I've managed to completely lose track of what day it is. I felt that Tuesday was the weekend, and then yesterday (Tuesday) I took my meds labelled Wednesday. The…