For the last couple of rounds of AC, I've actually felt quite strong on my nadir day (day of lowest blood counts). Today, I'm tired. My biggest struggle today…
So, my fundraising for the Avon Walk (equivalent to the weekend to end women's cancers in Canada) has pretty much stalled. I know that I have a lot of…
When it comes to the entire surgery process, I find myself falling into the realm of 'queen of wishful thinking'. I had convinced myself that 'flat' was that way…
One of my fears has been regarding neuropathy. It is a common side effect for the Paclitaxol (aka T-Chemo) which I start on Labour Day (September 1st). It is…
I had a couple of doctors updates yesterday. One with the breast surgeon and another with the oncologist. On the good news front, my oncologist said that my left…
This cancer journey reminds me of some aspects of our Going East bike trip - particularly during those times when persistence and tenacity are what you need to make…