BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Never knew I wanted to be a breast cancer survivor

It is hard to believe, but true – The eBook version of first book is now available for pre-order on Amazon. The print version is coming soon – I’m just waiting on a proof before I release it. It has been quite the journey getting this far.

The book started out as this blog.

It was then an important chapter in my dissertation, but never got published because I walked away from the PhD.

Now it is an eBook and will soon also have a print version. This is what I’ve really wanted all along. The PhD helped me to analyze the original posts for themes, and pull out the important stories from the blog, but it was the sharing of the story that is what I really wanted to do.

The book tells my story from diagnosis until active treatment. My next project (and hopefully book) will be the first year after treatment. That time was in many ways so much harder for me than the year of treatment. It took a lot for me to figure out how to cope with the anxiety.

What the book doesn’t include are the analyses that I did around the blog and the information I gleaned from the process. I will start to blog about these insights – because I think it is valuable information – and I also think is a good quick way to get it out. I guess I could create a companion guide for health educators that includes the insights from the dissertation. That is an interesting idea. I’m not sure how much demand there would be for it!

I chose December 17 as the release date for the eBook – but I might change that. December 17 is my “cancerversary” – in that it is the day that I choose to acknowledge my experience and recognize it as the day the last known cancer was removed from my body. However, the print version of the book will likely be available for order sooner.

I never thought I’d want to be a breast cancer survivor brings you into Becky’s world as a young breast cancer survivor. Written initially as a blog, Becky shares her experiences with treatment starting the day after she first heard the words “you have breast cancer”. Throughout her treatment, she explains her thought processes as she grapples with life altering treatment decisions: which chemotherapy regime? to reconstruct or not reconstruct?

Humorous at times, serious at times, this memoire will have you laughing and crying as Becky shares her feelings but also what she is learning as she discovers what it means to be a breast cancer survivor.


One response to “Never knew I wanted to be a breast cancer survivor”

  1. Toni Garrett

    Oh, that’s wonderful news Becky! I am really looking forward to getting my copy of your book – as an ebook for me. I’m so glad to hear you have done this! You have so much to say and will help so many others….

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