BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

2 of 75 – River Ridge Common

The term “common” was new to me when I moved to Nova Scotia. Common is used to mean land that is owned by one of the governments – typically municipal – as the provincial lands are known as Crown Land. The common are often setup with hiking trails or other shared uses. There are two near us, River Ridge Common and Indian Path Common – both have trails that I love to hike on.

River Ridge Common

The low tides are too early and too late in the day at the moment, so hiking is a better option. The more established paths like River Ridge Common are less likely to have ticks, but at this time of year especially that is always a risk – so I put on long pants, long socks, and I spray my pants and ankles for a natural tick repellent spray. I don’t need to worry about Cali because she takes a tick medication, that if a tick bites her it kills the tick. Also, there is a Lyme disease vaccine for dogs, so she is vaccinated. If only they had one for humans!

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