BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

18 of 75 – A barefoot beach walk

It being a Sunday and a beautiful and warm day (approximately 25 deg C), we decided to check out Cherry Hill Beach again. This time, the tides were right, which meant that we had over 1.5 km of beach to walk along. The place was busier than I’ve ever seen it – and yet there was still enough space between people and dogs that I could let Cali chase the ball the entire walk.

With the warm weather we decided to walk barefoot on the beach. I can confirm that the water is still VERY cold!

A 'busy' day at Cherry Hill Beach

A ‘busy’ day at Cherry Hill Beach

Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

Sue and Cali dipping their toes in the vary cold ocean

Cali resting next to a seaweek rock

Cali resting next to a seaweek rock


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