BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Another day, another beach

When the weather is nice, I like to get out for either a hike or a walk on the beach. With the ticks being a bit crazy right now, I’m favouring the beach – but at some point that is apt to change.

Today I decided to try out a new beach – Cherry Hill Beach. It is still in Lunenburg County so I am permitted to go there for exercise as part of the lock down (it is in the same County as I am in).

What keeps me entertained on these beach walks is playing fetch with Cali. For the most part she gets it, but every now and then she gets distracted and lets the ball roll away. Unfortunately, at the beach this means the ball rolls into the water. Fortunately, the tide was going out, so I was able to grab the ball by watching the waves and being strategic about when I went out to get it. Cali didn’t quite understand, so she would run out when it looked calm, but wouldn’t just grab the ball and run – she would dally a little, and then the next wave would scare her away. She still needs to figure that part out.

I’ve learned here that it is important to check the tides – as some of the beaches pretty much disappear at high tide. When you visit them at low tide you are rewarded with spectacular flat beaches and white sand.

You can see that during high tide, the water goes almost all the way up to the rocks along the entire length of the beach, not leaving a whole lot for walking.
I didn’t have to share the beach with very many people – and yet there were several cars in the very small parking lot!
The beach was very flat – I walked the length of the sandy part, which was about 2 km.
I thought this seaweed attached to a rock was interesting.

I dipped my toes in the water – it is still much too cold to do any water sports. I’m told that it will warm up over the summer, and I recall the water near the LaHave Islands was swimming pool warm when I went kayaking there in September last year. I will just need to be patient and wait for the water to get warm. Until then, I’ll try not to be tempted to take my shoes off!

By this point, Cali wasn’t so sure about dipping her toes in again! The water was cold.

I am struggling a little with having my beach days feel like productive days – but I did manage some stuff in the morning before going to the beach. Taking Cali out for a decent walk is part of my daily to do list. We both appreciate it.

Of course, that means I feel like I need to be productive in the evening. I haven’t yet figured out how to wind down a little and not feel like I need to be working all the time. I’m sure that will change soon enough!

For now, my matra is “life is a beach…”, which shall I visit tomorrow?


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