On Wednesday, as I was signing a bunch of papers, I wrote the date down at least 6 times. June 12, 2019.
It wasn’t until support group last night when I was introducing myself that I realized that Wednesday (the day before) was June 12. Five years ago on June 12 the radiologist told me I had breast cancer. Five years ago today I started this blog.
I was a little surprised when I realized the date went by and I didn’t remember it. I had no emotional breakdown or any feelings about it. Now, I do not consider my diagnosis date as that significant, as I still had cancer in me. I had cancer in me until December 17, 2014. That date is one that I am not likely to ever forget. But forgetting the various milestone dates that led up to December 17 – well, it is ok that those get forgotten.
So today I’m happy because on Wednesday I forgot … and that is a good thing.
Feature image by Craig Tidball on Unsplash
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