On the weekend, I got back on the bike – specially, hubby and I went out for a ride on our mountain bikes. This is the first time I’ve ridden it since I broke my rib riding over Christmas. It wasn’t just about being physically able to ride, it was also being emotionally in a position to give it a try.
I’m happy to report that we had fun – although both of us could be in better shape. We were both struggling on hills, especially towards the end of the ride. I’m happy to report that I successfully negotiated going down a hill that I thought might be too steep – it certainly was too steep for me to ride up! I thought that I was going to walk down the hill, but in the end, I rode the bike down the hill and didn’t fall, despite being out of breath from climbing that same hill.
We likely would have done better had we stuck to the original plan – which was a loop that I’ve hike several times. Our initial riding on flat made us over-confident, so we headed up the steep hill. We turned around before too long and decided to continue along with our original planned track – which had a lot more climbing on it than I remember – I guess those gentle-ish slopes don’t feel much like a climb while hiking, but certainly do when you are pedaling – especially when pedaling after having climbed the other hill.
I’m happy with my new bike – and glad that I was able to ride and wasn’t too negatively traumatized from the broken rib. Now to do some more regular exercise so that I’m in better shape for the next time we go exploring on our bikes.
Scott riding down the hill. This was before the steep section. I didn’t get any photos of the steep part.
Me riding across the stream – this is at the bottom of the steep hill.
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