BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor


With a little help from my friends, I’ve decided to jump in and try out the Yoga MOOC – which starts next week (this week is week 0).

A MOOC is a free open online course (MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course). You can pay money and get a certificate of completion, but really, I don’t care about certificates. I’m  most interested in the science behind wellness and how that might help me.

And so, I’ve signed up. I cannot say much else about it right now – but you’ll likely see a weekly blog post here.

I debated where to put the post. I usually blog about MOOCs over on my academic blog, but this MOOC is different. I’m not doing it to support professional development. I’m doing it for myself. I’m doing it for my friends. I’m hoping that it will help me find ways to get more joy out of life.

If you are interested, I encourage you to come join me in exploring wellbeing in the digital age – http://yogamooc.com/ … feel free to leave a comment if you are going to join in …


4 responses to “Yoga MOOC”

  1. Hi Becky! You and I have much in common….can’t wait to connect and learn with you during this #YogaMOOC So excited. I have subscribed to your blog. So nice to “meet” You!


    1. Becky

      Hi Sky,
      Nice to meet you too 🙂 … Given your interested in Ed Tech you might find my academic blog interesting … I debated which blog to use for this MOOC … anyways, my other one is http://rjh.goingeast.ca.

  2. Becky! I really want to follow your blog entries. But, I guess I entered the wrong email address. It wasn’t the one connected to my WordPress blog. And, when I try to reload the page I get a tab that says I’ve already successfully subscribed. I will try again at a later time. And, bookmark you. There are thousands of us in the #YogaMOOC & I’d like to be able to find you in the future to see how you are doing. I too, am a breast cancer survivor & send lots of support & Good Thoughts for Healing.

    1. If you subscribed, you should be getting email updates of my posts.

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