I’m excited that on Thursday I’ll get to meet a bunch of illness (health) bloggers that I have followed for some time (e.g. Marie Ennis O’Connor (https://journeyingbeyondbreastcancer.com/), Beth Gainer (http://bethgainer.com/), Caroline Frankovich Ronten (http://carolinemfr.blogspot.ca/), Britni Brown O’Donnell (https://bestliaryouknow.wordpress.com/), Alicia Staley (http://www.awesomecancersurvivor.com/), Terri Coutee (http://diepcjourney.com/), and Scott Johnston (https://scottx5.wordpress.com/) . I’ll be meeting them virtually, but synchronously using Google Hangouts on Air video chat. We’ll be talking about why we blog as part of a new project I’m working on with Virtually Connecting.
If you are curious about why we chose to blog, you can watch the hangout from the Virtually Connecting YouTube channel embedded in the event announcement: http://virtuallyconnecting.org/announcements/making-the-private-public-why-we-chose-to-blog-a-vcept-discussion/
I hope to be hosting more of these discussions over the next year or so, exploring the digital health literacies used by ePatients. If you have a topic you want us to talk about or you want to participant in a discussion, leave me a comment or note.
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