Now that I’m coming back from a slew of injuries, I’m trying to get my self back into shape. After my swim yesterday, I was also reminded by how much I actually enjoyed getting out and swimming. It wasn’t about getting fit so that I could do the things that I enjoy, it was much more that I actually enjoyed what I was doing.
I’ve decided that to help me keep motivated, I’m going to report on my weekly tri. I’ve always wanted to do triathlon. I actually did one once – it was a winter tri (skiing, skating, and running) on my 40th birthday. I finished. That was the triumph. This time I’m taking a little different approach. I’m going to report on my weekly totals, mostly in three key sports: (1) hiking/walking, (2) cycling, and (3) swimming. So it is sort of like a triathlon except that I typically only do one sport in a given day.
If you want to join me in this weekly exercise challenge, please leave a comment with your weekly “tri” statistics.
(1) hiking/walking – hiking in Alum Rock park – 3.7 km hike
(2) biking – 15.5 km (need to find a nicer place to bike)
(3) swimming – 64 minutes / 1 mile (1600m)
PS: I wish there was an app that allowed my various tracking devices to sync and give me a single report with all of them together. At the moment I’m using Runkeeper to track my hiking/walking & biking and my Withings watch tracks how long I swim. For distance I count laps. I almost always swim 1 mile. I’m not swimming any longer because it already takes an hour and I’m usually swimming outdoors mid-day, so the sun exposure isn’t great.
What was your weekly tri? (or activity)? How do you keep yourself motivated to get out there?
Feature image by ( [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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