BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

My weekly tri

Now that I’m coming back from a slew of injuries, I’m trying to get my self back into shape. After my swim yesterday, I was also reminded by how much I actually enjoyed getting out and swimming. It wasn’t about getting fit so that I could do the things that I enjoy, it was much more that I actually enjoyed what I was doing.

I’ve decided that to help me keep motivated, I’m going to report on my weekly tri. I’ve always wanted to do triathlon. I actually did one once – it was a winter tri (skiing, skating, and running) on my 40th birthday. I finished. That was the triumph. This time I’m taking a little different approach. I’m going to report on my weekly totals, mostly in three key sports: (1) hiking/walking, (2) cycling, and (3) swimming. So it is sort of like a triathlon except that I typically only do one sport in a given day.

If you want to join me in this weekly exercise challenge, please leave a comment with your weekly “tri” statistics.

(1) hiking/walking – hiking in Alum Rock park – 3.7 km hike

(2) biking – 15.5 km (need to find a nicer place to bike)

(3) swimming – 64 minutes / 1 mile (1600m)

PS: I wish there was an app that allowed my various tracking devices to sync and give me a single report with all of them together. At the moment I’m using Runkeeper to track my hiking/walking & biking and my Withings watch tracks how long I swim. For distance I count laps. I almost always swim 1 mile. I’m not swimming any longer because it already takes an hour and I’m usually swimming outdoors mid-day, so the sun exposure isn’t great.

What was your weekly tri? (or activity)? How do you keep yourself motivated to get out there?

Feature image by www.sportshop-triathlon.de (https://www.sportshop-triathlon.de/) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons


4 responses to “My weekly tri”

  1. Good for you on doing a triathalon. My daughter-in-law finished an Iron Man last december, which to me is insane.

    My daily activity is dog walking 😉 I have been charting my miles my carrying an iPhone 6, and in two months I’ve gone from ~1 mile per day to more than 7, and am down 9 pounds. I’m using the Health app to chart that and I ad my weighins; it can pull data from RunKeeper, and you can manually enter other activities under workout. It’s not the most sophisticated data tool, but it’s helping me track (there are ways to export the data too).

    I never liked (and still do not like) running, but I set some goals in 2006-2008 and did a few half marathons, ran one and walked one full. I did it with a group raising money for diabetes, and the team training and fund raising worked as incentives.

    Now the walking is just time with Felix and a lot of peace of mind.

    Happy tri-ing.

    1. Becky

      Thanks … yay on the progress … amazing how having a walking buddy helps with the miles, even when the buddy has four feet 🙂 I have Healthmate too .. I actually have a Withings scale so my weights are recorded and uploaded automatically – but nothings seems to combine the Withings with the Runkeeper (Withings will import Runkeeper but it doesn’t work well). What Withings does that no one else does is record swimming (without me needing to enter it .. the system falls down if I need to enter things myself). Interestedly, I could tell the growth of my cancer by when I started losing weight … but could only really tell that retroactively …

  2. Jennifer van der Schee

    I remember when you did the Winterlude Tri!
    You’ll do a “traditional” one- I have total confidence that you will 🙂 I used to cry at the end of each race- being a non-standard athlete (i.e. I don’t look like a triathlete) it made me insanely emotional when I’d finish.
    I did train for IM, but never did it because of my split with Dalton. It’s not on my radar anymore, but I feel a bit whistful when I think about it.
    You have the swim and the bike, and there’s no rules to say you have to run. I would just do some bricks to get used to how you feel after each leg (it’s weird coming out of the water and on to the bike.)

    Do it Becky!!! You totally can do it!

    1. Becky

      One of the things that is stopping me is what to wear! and managing transitions … I would need a chair to put my shoes on! Although I’m getting a whole lot better at balancing … I need to get back on the bike first … not doing enough biking yet … There is a See-Jane-tri thing around here somewhere in the fall that I might do … we’ll see … I’m also hoping to rent a bike while in Ottawa so I can get in a couple of nice rides … maybe even a gat loop for old time sake (although I’d need a ride up to the park, cause getting there and then looping is a bit more than I can handle!) …

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