BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Putting one foot in front of the other

These last few days I’ve had lots of flashbacks and reflections as to where I was at this time last year. On the weekend I started walking a little more with the walking cast. It wasn’t much, just a lap of the complex. On Monday it occurred to me that I could do my walk up on the fourth floor so that I could get some sun on my skin. Not being able to walk/exercise has completely curtailed my outdoor activities. I was going stir crazy. It was then that I was reminded of the early days after my surgery. I began doing laps around the complex. I remember walking with my mother-in-law when she was here. It was not far, it was not about distance, but it was not nothing. I had to practice putting one foot in front of the other. I just needed to move.

On Wednesday I was given freedom from the walking cast. I can walk with my running shoes – although I was sent to buy a specific pair of orthopedic inserts for them that now provide the appropriate support for my arches and my heel – so as not to re-injure myself. I was warned that there would be some pain, but that it should not be the unbearable pain that I was in when I first went to see the doctor three and half weeks ago. I was also given permission to get back in the pool. The biggest caution was to take it easy at first, but also to avoid walking on any hard surface barefoot. Fortunately I have great new pair of Crocs sandals for walking to/from the pool and for the showers at the gym.

I began with a short walk in the park, followed by running a bunch of errands. That was more than enough walking for me yesterday. Today I did a 1.5 km walk – the short lap of the Guadalupe trail from my place. It was just about right. I’m making progress. I just need to remember to take one step at a time. No giant leaps – at least not yet. I must say that I am so much happier being back on my feet again, even if it is just for 20 minutes a day!


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