BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

And with that, #nablopomo ends …

I am proud to say that I successfully managed a blog post per day for the month of November. Unlike NaNoWriMo, the requirement wasn’t for a specific number of words. There wasn’t a way to finish early and meet the requirement. Instead I had to blog every day.

In the beginning, I thought I’d blog both here and at my academic blog – http://rjh.goingeast.ca. Unfortunately, as work got busier, something had to drop. I chose then to drop my posts at my other blog and continue blogging here. In part because i had so much more inspiration for this blog. I had a lot more to draw upon for inspiration.

I did find #nablopomo useful as a way to encourage me to write every day. It was a good way to help me get back into the practice of regular blogging and regular writing – two things that I’m going to need to do when I go back to my PhD studies in January.

I do not think that I will be continuing to post to this blog on a daily-basis – however, I do expect that I’ll be blogging every few days. I’ll also be posting more over at my academic blog which I have been neglecting lately – as I had to prioritize writing a post per day for this blog.  With every choice I make to do something, it is also a choice to not do something else. There are, unfortunately, only so many hours in the day.

And so, with December being upon us, I shall plan to spend more time with my hubby, more time in nature, and more time mentally preparing to re-engage with PhD studies …. life must go on.



One response to “And with that, #nablopomo ends …”

  1. Congrats Becky! Word count or no word count, a post a day is no mean feat!

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