BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Shivering in a Paper Gown …

I am very proud to have had a chapter that I wrote included in this anthology (“Breasts that aren’t Breast”). I’ll be attending the book launch on Thursday evening in downtown San Francisco – if you are local and want me to pick up a copy for you, let me know.

About the Book: Shivering in a Paper Gown

In a moving, honest and raw style, thirty young women tell their stories about the aftermath of living with breast cancer. Far from the trite and saccharine, the authors’ combination of dark humor, sass and solidarity throughout the challenges of a life-threatening disease shine through.

The book’s authors have many stories to share—stitching broken and scarred bodies back together, reconstructing identities, denying and confronting and accepting death. The authors reveal the realities of life, through and with cancer, as they learn how to survive and in the process, how to live.

The personal narrative stories beg the reader to step into the space that cancer has razed, to consider what is most beloved and cherished, and to ask what the sum of one’s life will be. This anthology is relevant to cancer survivors and those who have gone through trauma.While the authors’ common bond is cancer, the stories cover the topics of: body image, parenting, spirituality, social support, emotional renewal and end of life choices.

For every book sold, a woman going through breast cancer will receive monthly support group services through the Bay Area Young Survivors (BAYS). BAYS is a support and action group for young women in the San Francisco Bay Area who are living with breast cancer and were diagnosed before the age of forty-five. The goal of BAYS is to break the isolation of living with breast cancer, by providing a community built on compassion, understanding, hope, and inspiration.


One response to “Shivering in a Paper Gown …”

  1. Looks like a good book Rebecca. Will order a copy to read and leave with Cross Cancer book shop in Edmonton. They will resell it to fund local programs so hopefully it will help people here too. Will post at the Mentors FB too.

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