BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Acure – a product review

I first learned of Acure products when I received a free sample in the welcome tote – given to me the first time I attended a support group session at Bay Area Cancer Connections. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and was preparing for chemotherapy. I loved the cell stimulating body wash so much that I bought a couple of tubes of it. It was my indulgence when I got in the shower. I used the smell to trigger an escape from all the bad stuff happening – it helped me feel pampered.

When I was looking into monetization of blogs for the Should I blog course that I designed (see http://shouldiblog.org), I discovered that Acure offered bloggers a sample pack in exchange for providing a product review. I immediately signed up. I love that their products are all natural and vegan.

They kindly sent me a sample of several of their products. Unfortunately, their first shipment never made it to me (the package wasn’t actually delivered). They were nice enough to send out a second package! And with that I have several products which I shall happily tell you my thoughts on – note that I delayed this post so long that they have different packaging – but the products are still amazing.
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I have been using these products for the last three months. I was surprised at how sensitive I am to the smell of products. I loved the Argon Cell Stimulating Body Wash because I loved the smell of it. I have since shifted to the Sensitive Skin Body Wash – however, I’m not as keen on the smell of it. I’ve also tried the Sensitive Facial Cleanser – again, not too keen on the smell – if you like the smell of peonies, you may very well enjoy this face cleanser. My only objection to it is the smell.

What was really a hit for me was the Leave-In Conditioner, and the Argan Oil (as an aside, I also like that it is sustainably purchased from a women’s cooperative in Morocco). I’m going to be ordering myself some more! The Leave-In Conditioner has a wonderful scent, and helps to control my crazy chemo fizzy hair. I use the Argan Oil on my face and sometimes on my scars. I also have some small samples of the Marula Oil. I find the Marula and Argan oils work about the same, but I prefer the smell of the Argan oil. What is especially nice about the oil is that you can use it on your face, on scars, and on your hair – meaning one less thing to pack when travelling. I love it so much that I need to order more!

This post was sponsored in part by free samples provided by Acure. These are my unbiased opinions of the products I received. 



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