BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

… and that’s OK

Every time I hear someone say “and that’s OK”, I’m brought back to our couples support group. At the beginning of each group, we went around the room a few times saying something and finishing the statement with “and that’s OK”. For example, Today I’m feeling tired, and that’s OK. The exercise gives you permission to feel what you are feeling, but also provides the group an opportunity to better understand where you are at on that given day and time.

It seems to me lately that more people are using the expression, or I’m hearing it more often. Perhaps it is just that right now I need to hear it more often. I need to remind myself that I can feel what I’m feeling, and that’s OK.

Today we booked a camping van for our vacation … and that’s OK.
Today I’m looking forward to being home tomorrow … and that’s OK.
Today I had the chance to visit with a couple of friends … and that’s OK.
This afternoon I went for a bike ride along Vancouver’s sea wall … and that’s OK.FullSizeRender



One response to “… and that’s OK”

  1. Siobhan

    Interesting. I tend to say “And can that be ok?” to people when discussing mindfulness and acceptance. Sometimes people seem confused at first, and then seem relieved when they realize that maybe it can be. I probably need to ask myself that question more often. 🙂

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