BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Some pictures and getting back in the pool

Over the last week I’ve been trying to get back to multi-sport exercise. I’m not walking as much as perhaps I should be (in preparation for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Fundraising is ALMOST DONE – if you haven’t yet, I’d appreciate a donation – http://info.avonfoundation.org/site/TR?team_id=141489&fr_id=2404&pg=team).

I was doing some walking on Friday at Stanford. I stopped by my tree and took this fun photo from a different angle (from this angle you can see the redish shimmer in my hair):
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I’ve been back on my bike – both the recumbent and the road bike. I haven’t tried the foldie yet because it puts more strain on my arms. It appears that something very yellow is in bloom in the Alviso, which I thought was rather pretty, so I stopped to take a photo:

When I bike, I get a chance to check in on how the white egrets are doing. Yesterday I saw a juvenile male and female. I also saw a grey egret – which is more rare, but also harder to spot as they blend into the surroundings a lot more.

I’ve been in the pool a couple of times now. I am able to do front crawl very slowly (allowing me to concentrate on form), but not very much – the last time I managed a whole three laps! It will be a while before I get strength back in my shoulders. I am completely unable to do breast stroke – which used to be my fall back stroke that I could do no matter how tired I was. This concerns me a bit – it means that I won’t be comfortable in deep water until I know I can use my arms in the pool. Fortunately our pool is only 4 feet deep at the deep end.


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