BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Today – my first 20km bike ride!

I wasn’t necessarily trying for a 20km ride – I just wanted to get out for an hour and see how it went. After complaining about getting bored on my home stretch of Guadalupe Trail, I was encouraged by my hubby to start riding a little further afield. So today, I rode the trail down post the San Jose airport. I was rewarded with sightings of two adult (one male, one female) white egrets, a baby white egret, a blue egret, and a great blue heron. It wasn’t until I got home and turned off my Runkeeper that I discovered that it also happened to be a 20km ride!

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San Jose Airport

Grey Egret

Blue Heron

Baby White Egret – it was at the same location as I often saw the nesting egrets last summer/winter.


One response to “Today – my first 20km bike ride!”

  1. Aimee

    Nothing is as life affirming for me than getting out in the fresh air and moving my body. Plus you were able to see some beautiful scenery. Rock on!

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