When I found out that Bryan Adams was doing another tour, and that he was playing in Ottawa in February, I was disappointed that there was no way I could travel to see the show. You see, I’m a huge fan. I still remember the first ever time I saw him live (Calgary 1992 Waking up the Neighbours tour) – and the words to “There Will Never Be Another Tonight” made me ignore the folks heckling behind me as I stood up to dance throughout the rest of the show.
I was lucky to get 4th row tickets for the Corel Center opener, and then Alcatel box seats for his last show at the Corel Center show (I guess they call it ScotiaBank Place now).
So, I was peachy pleased to learn that he would be playing at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View – but I was also very nervous. Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a show at the SAP Center (where the San Jose Sharks play). You see, my mobility isn’t what it used to be. Shoreline isn’t a great venue from a parking perspective (one road in and out means lots of traffic). It also is an outdoor venue. In the past, this would not have been a problem, but now, I’m not so sure. I cannot stand for long durations. I also cannot easily get onto and off of the ground. So, the general atmosphere of a show at the Amphitheater doesn’t play well with my current physical abilities.
I was tempted to skip the concert, but then I hated that I was even considering skipping it. I really don’t want to avoid doing things that I really want to do just because I might need some additional assistance. After exploring a bit, I discovered they do have accessible seats for those with limited mobility (I was able to request them on the LiveNation website directly). I had to pay what felt like a premium for them – but alas – I get what I hope to be decent seats. We will still have to deal with crazy traffic to get there … I hope they have accessible parking places … and most importantly I hope that I’m not expected to sit during the entire show, cause how can you not stand up and dance to “Summer of ’69″…
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