I hate changing my dressings. At the moment, I am required to do it three times a day. The breast dressing is no big deal. It is a matter of ensuring that it is adequately moist – so adding a little ointment and slapping on a new patch of xeroform. The stomach dressing, well that is a whole other thing.
As I mentioned previous post, I have a hole in my belly. I have an appointment on Thursday afternoon where I am hoping to have a SnAP negative pressure wound system installed. Once it it is in place, I won’t be changing my belly dressings. They would get changed twice a week at the Stanford Would Care center by someone who knows that they are doing. Until then, I need to pack damp/wet gauze into the wound three times a day. I don’t mind the packing, I just hate the unpacking. I remove the gauze which is a particular shade of blue and red (http://dttocs.smugmug.com/photos/i-JxKRZJz/0/M/i-JxKRZJz-M.jpg), and has a smell that I have come to dislike. It isn’t infected. It is all “normal”. What gets removed with the gauze when I change the dressing promotes healing (at least that is what I’m told), but I still hate doing it. I’m so looking forward to not needing to!
So this morning I’m delaying. I’m catching up on email, watching videos of all the crazy snow in Kitimat (the town were I grew up), drinking coffee, and writing this blog post instead of doing my dressing change.
OK, time to end the procrastination and get ‘dressed’.
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