BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Catching up with some pictures

I’m getting a little behind on posting pictures. I took this one of me at my tree last Friday (Feb 6). The area around the tree was a muddy mess filled with construction trucks. It appears that many of the trees in boxes are being relocated to their more permanent homes. Because we have actually had rain, the grounds are green and soft, so the trucks tore it all up and made a muddy mess of it. I had to hop in, take a quick selfie, and leave for fear of trees tumbling down.

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Later that day, in the pouring rain, our friends from Ottawa, John and Alison came to visit. Fortunately our condo has a community room area that we could use, so their grandson had lots of space to roll around and play while we had a chance to visit. It was so nice to see familiar faces :-).

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Over the last week I’ve been doing more biking. I’ve been able to ride my bikes for just over an hour and generally get in about 17 km. I do find that on my foldie my hands get tired, so I’ve been riding my ‘bent more often. The biggest issue with the ‘bent was getting my leg up from the ground to my pedal – which I’m getting better at. I do find myself worrying about balance on it – but clearly not that much, since I took these two selfies while riding (on different days).

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It feels really good to be back on the bike and getting some decent exercise. I’m also continuing with the Living Strong Living Well program at the Y. I do find at times that I struggle with motivation to get out, but once I get there I leave feeling so much better both mentally and physically. So, I try to remind myself of that good feeling when I’m having trouble coxing myself out the door.

My neuropathy does seem to be improving. As a way to measure, Scott and I went back to the Penetencia Creek trail to walk. Yesterday, I managed a 6.66km walk in the same 2 hours that previously I struggled to make 5km. Walking that bit further meant that we got to explore new areas of Alum Rock Park. It is incredibly beautiful – a real gem – and only a 20 minute drive from our apartment.

What really strikes me as different is that I recover a lot faster from the foot pains. Previously, I’d not be able to walk or stand again for the rest of the day. Yesterday, after the long walk and a couple of hours off my feet, I was able to stand in the kitchen for over an hour making dinner. It is something that I would have not have been able to do two weeks ago!

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