BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Getting back on the ‘bent

I should be packing for our camping trip, not blogging but I really wanted to report on my latest bike adventure. I went out my recumbent today and successfully rode 10 km. The ‘bent being the bike that I rode around the world, there is a special place in my heart and mind when I get on it. A familiarity that I don’t have with any of my other bikes. There are so many memories tied up with riding this bike.

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Today the memories that came streaming in were of the kindness of complete strangers that invited us into their homes with little knowledge about who we were. These were not the folks we met through couchsurfing or warm showers, rather they were people who saw two cyclists on a journey and said come stay with us for the night. Specifically, Judy and Barb nurses from Dead Man’s Cove (http://goingeast.ca/blog/2008/07/31/deadmans-cove/), Chandra and Clem in Kerrobet Saskatchewan (http://goingeast.ca/blog/2009/07/28/an-adventure-in-kerrobert/), and Colleen and Ed in Rainy River (http://goingeast.ca/blog/2009/08/22/oh-how-we-love-cottage-life/).

It was so nice getting back on that bike. At first I was nervous and concerned about my abs, but after a couple stop and goes and reminding myself that the small weakness I’m feeling isn’t actually painful, I was able to do quite well. My knees are still slowing me down but are helped by a combination of ibuprofen and Voltaren gel.

OK, time to get packing. We are spending the weekend up in Big Basin Tent Cabin camping. I’m looking forward to a couple of walks in the woods and just enjoying the atmosphere of the park in a season that is typically pretty quiet.


One response to “Getting back on the ‘bent”

  1. Judy

    Yay! Yay!! YAY!! Go Becky go!! If only we could figure out that Star Trek transporter I’d be there in a second. I wouldn’t even pack. ND offering workshops in Sydney as I keep the home fires burning here in Kennetcook and walk the dogs, feed them and the cats, sift out the litter box (YUCK). I am so impressed with how motivated you are to get out there and do!!! Love you, JP

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