BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

My toes … uh … toe nails that is …

This morning I’ll be making a return visit to the dermatologist that specializes in nails (the nail doctor) to have my big toes checked – this time he is actually checking the toes, as the nails are no longer there! From my view, they are healing well and almost ready to be left to their own devices (that is not having to be covered 24/7.

I have several pictures, that I’ll share via links in case you are not wanting to see directly the before and after.

  • Left toe before surgery. Here you can see the greenness of the nail. Not sure if you can really tell that the sides of the nail are not really attached anymore. I felt like the nail was lifted off the nail bed (it had) and that it might fall off at any time (no chance, it was still rather attached at the bottom.
  • Right toe before surgery. This one isn’t really green, but it definitely was starting to detach as well. It too feel like it was lifting. I had thought a new nail was growing underneath – I was wrong.
  • Both toes right after surgery. I think they have vasiline on them in the picture. You can see the line where the nail had already lifted versus where it was still attached.
  • Right toe one week later. My bandaging came off last night and I didn’t notice, which tells might that it might be ready to be uncovered. Last time the bandage came off, I totally felt it!

The nail doctor told me that it could be about a year before I have a full toe nail again. Before all the cancer treatments, my nails grew very quickly, so we’ll see if that turns out to be the case. I’ll update when my nails start to show, but for now, I’ll be happy when I don’t need to dress them anymore.


2 responses to “My toes … uh … toe nails that is …”

  1. Diana

    Dear Becky,

    I just finished traveling to Houston Texas and back and read the book Wild that is coming out as a movie anytime now. It is about a woman hiking the pacific crest trail. I thought of you a few times while reading the book because one of the side effects of hiking 1100 miles or more is often toe nail issues. As I’ve told you before after my bc dbl mx and diep flap reconstruction I started walking then hiking and so far I have completed the Appalachian trail in New York and 90 % done with Connecticut and just started NJ in the other direction. My bc journey has felt like hiking over our beautiful mountain ranges in the United States and the physical toll it takes to get my trail legs is like a marathon or more. There are definite pitfalls, mud, rocks, rivers to cross, storms and dangers along the way wild animals like bears, rattlesnakes, etc but there are also beautiful revelations along the way. I am not trying to trivialize your physical situation in anyway I just wanted to share how I have been able to mentally, physically, and spiritually regain myself after bc. It is a journey and I am a fellow traveler like you. Sometimes the perils and dangers are greater for some more than others. However I am determined to get every ounce of benefit or insight during the process. I read trail journals and stories. Before you know it you too will be biking, walking and hiking. I hope your toenail issues get bearable in the near future and completely healed before you know it.

    Diana (Momofive)

  2. See no sign of developing flippers so I guess we can drop the seal theory?

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