BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

A nice cold walk …

We had not planned for snow in Welland – but Canada is very unpredictable at this time of year. We borrowed some winter boots and jackets, and ventured out for a 3 km walk. As we walked, we were reminded of the crisp smell after a fresh snowfall.

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Living in California, we definitely do miss winter. One a lovely sunny day, with fresh snow, we are reminded about why we love winter. Now, had it been wet and windy, we would have been reminded about what we love about California.

I have been struggling lately with walking. I want to walk more – my lungs want me to walk more – but my ankles are not letting me. My ankles are quite swollen and they are not moving properly – as a result, when I walk my calves cramp up (and I have shin splints). It is all one vicious circle that leads to me not getting enough exercise. I hope that when I see my oncologist next Thursday, that we can start some form of treatment for the neuropathy and the ankle swelling, so that I can start to exercise more. I’d like to be a little stronger before going to my next surgery on December 17th.

For today, I’ve walked 3km and met my goal of 5,000 steps per day (not a very aggressive goal, but for me right now, this is a lot).

I have found some temporary relief in the form of Voltaren gel. It is available over the counter in Canada (it looks like it is prescription only in the US). I noticed that it made a huge difference to the arthritis in my hands … so I tried it on my ankles. I notice immediately that I’m negotiating the stairs a lot better. So, I’ll be bringing a big tube of it home with me. If it helps me keep walking, that is a good thing.


3 responses to “A nice cold walk …”

  1. jennymackness

    Have you thought about compression stockings or socks? My understanding is that they can control swelling in the ankles. Not exactly a fashion statement, but might do the trick 😉

  2. John Sampat

    Highly recommend volteren. I use it quite often and it doesn’t pong like some of the other so called pain relieving gels.

  3. Be interesting to understand the mechanism that causes the swelling. Anything that restricts blood flow sounds like a cause of cramping? Yet compression stockings, as Jenny mentioned, squeeze to prevent swelling. Maybe it’s like Spandex, anyone brave enough to wear it deserves other comforts?
    Congratulations on going hairless in the snow. Aren’t us Canadians supposed to wear toques the emphasize the tribulations of our Northern habitat?

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