BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Oh how easily I forget

I had three days off of chemo (rather than 7 days between infusions, I had 10 days). In those three extra days, some of the persistent side effects of Taxol began to wear off. I had more energy, less pain, and my mind was more focused. It was easier for me to get out and exercise, and easier to spend time on the computer on tasks that required concentration.

What has surprised me is just how quickly I forgot about the pains of Taxol. I had forgotten about the shooting nerve pain, the weak and achy joints, the numbness in my feet, and pain in my finger tips. I had forgotten until yesterday anyways!

We went for a morning hike up on the Sierra open space reserve (about a 30-minute drive from our place). Scott brought his new camera and took some fantastic photos (http://dttocs.smugmug.com/Sierra-Vista):

I enjoyed walking but definitely felt a lot weaker that I had been last weekend doing the Peak Hike (can’t believe that was only last weekend). Late yesterday afternoon the nerves started to fire off again (I didn’t realize they had stopped until they returned). It was at this point that it occurred to me that the change in infusion days from Monday to Thursday means that my weak days are Saturday and Sunday rather than Thursday and Friday. It means I need to tone down my weekend commitments until this chemo is done (two more weeks!).

The good news in all this, is that it only took me three days to forget about the worst of the Taxol side effects (yay).



2 responses to “Oh how easily I forget”

  1. Christine

    The good news is that you will be free from the pain and neuropathy and chemo brain soon! You can do it… the push is on now! 🙂 Keep up the positive energy. You’re so close to the end of chemo!

  2. Go Becky!! Beautiful scenic place, beautiful you.

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