BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Some recent purchases …

After a grumpy chemo session and leaving the ITA later than we planned, we decided to go out to dinner. I got the all clear for sushi last Monday, but we had not managed to have a sushi feast yet, so Monday after chemo I finally got my chance. Unfortunately, my favorite sushi/sashimi place isn’t open on Mondays … however, our second choice was pretty decent and met the craving.

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My other challenge was in taking supplements. I don’t take that many prescription pills anymore, but I “should” take a few supplements that might help with blood counts and neuropathy. I got a message from my oncologist office that there is no clinical evidence to suggest that the supplements actually make a difference but there is no harm in taking them either, and heck, if the placebo effect works then way not. The challenge is in taking them – I hate opening too many pill bottles at once, and I forget. So I went out and bought myself a fancy am/pm pill case. That way, I can fill in a weeks worth of morning and evening pills (the only regular prescriptions I take are either when I wake up or before I go to bed), and I split my supplements across the two, so I’m not taking too many pills at once. Here is hoping that my sorting them out once a week makes it easier for me to take them. I figure it will work for at least a week or two, while the idea is novel.

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I’m now 1/3 of the way through Paclitaxol and 2/3 of the way through chemo (yay) … weekly chemo is certain proving to be more mentally taxing than biweekly chemo. Paclitaxol is also a longer treatment (12-cycles) which is also proving to be more difficult to mentally grasp. With AC it was only 4-cycles, so easier to celebrate and count down as things completed. Paclitaxol just seems to be long journey.



One response to “Some recent purchases …”

  1. Yeah, that Paxlitaxol 12 week run is truly challening. I was grateful for the lower side effects than the AC, but mentally it was getting to be quite enough. Keep going and I wish you the best. Durign the treatment I wore very dark blue nail polish, and am convinced it saved my nails from falling off. (because after the chemo, I removed the polish and they bruised deeply from the sun exposure – however, that grew out.)

    Good on you for taking the supplements. Regardless of whether it impacts your cancer, it probably helps your body – so that seems useful. ~Catherine

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