My new sense of energy was unfortunately short lived. Although I must admit, I was able to get a lot of academic work done over the last couple of days. It has been interesting to see how I have been able to focus on some work, although I have yet to be able to read an academic journal article. I’ll need to try to focus on that in the days to come.
Tuesday I worked most of the morning on a research ethics proposal. I was feeling rather productive, so it was a challenge to take a break and get out for a swim – but I needed the exercise – so I went for an afternoon swim. I was feeling pretty strong! After my swim, however, I notice that my eyes were sore and my face and neck were red. I had originally attributed it to using an ointment on my eyes the night before, but with further reflection it was likely a reaction to either the sun or the chemo. I took benedryl and slept well that night.
Wednesday I woke up feeling kind of yucky. It is so hard to describe. They talk about “flu like” symptoms, but it isn’t really flu like. My stomach was unsettled, but I wasn’t nauseated – at least not like on AC chemo. Either way, I didn’t feel great yesterday and I was low on energy. I did manage a couple of walks – one to the grocery store during the day and another in the evening.
This morning I woke late (after almost 11 hours sleep). I’m definitely feeling fatigue, but it isn’t like before, it isn’t relieved by exercise. I’m also feeling nerve pains. These are quite annoying and they prevent me from sleeping. At one point last night I took Tylenol to make the pains stop. It is just random pains flashing over my body, coming on like a pulse and then fading away. They are energy sapping.
I don’t know quite what is going on with my body right now – but I am definitely looking forward to getting my strength back again. I can only think that I’m still recovering from a difficult last week of AC chemo. I’d like to get back in the pool but I’m afraid to swim when the sun it out – I don’t want to have another reaction. So, I’m hibernating for now, waiting for the sun to go down, and then perhaps I’ll get out for a bit of a walk. I’m also waiting for a call back from the nurse, who might be able to explain what these pains are that I’m feeling – and perhaps what I shall about it! This too shall pass…
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